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ANOTHER thing Junhee was good at other than killing was: negotiate.

It was the first exposure Choi Mujin taught her when he brought her into Dongcheon seven years ago so she could learn how things operate in this illicit line of career. From where she was standing then, she will observe both parties, trying to understand the deal dynamics, other party's key issues and their trigger buttons, and from there she will formulate appropriate response before coming to an agreement.

As years went by, she had an excellent track record as a middle-woman, enough for Mujin to put his trust on her. Latest business was no exception though the Liber CEO would have liked to come personally to Tokyo to close this 50 billion won deal, but a lot of things had happened for the past month that could raise the narcotic's suspicions on his activities.

Three weeks ago, Mujin ordered the execution of Bae Jungoo—his middleman, also the CEO of a shipping firm—for his betrayal, and Dongcheon could not supply drugs for couple of weeks because of that. Mujin had been staying low for quite some time after the police found Jungoo's corpse until the ship—the meth factory—arrived from Thailand a day ago.

With the rumors of new drug circulating rapidly in the industry, and before those impatient buyers flocking their assess to the new unknown drug ring, Mujin needed to act fast. He did so by willingly to check out the ship for himself tomorrow night, and that was how Junhee found herself sitting down with one of Tokyo's prominent Yakuza—Mister Yamamoto. She had met the man twice over the years, and according to Mujin, the Yakuza was fond of her professionalism; more reason for Mujin to send her here to secure the bonanza. Unknowingly to her, the deal was not just a normal drug deal.

Like always, in every single deal, Junhee would charm all potential buyers, creating intense beauty with a pose that feels confident and relaxed at the same time—masquerading her other self that was the Reaper. Her rouge-stained lips would metamorphosed into a sweet smile, words of confidence poured out from her mouth as she presented the finest Dongcheon product Yamamoto ever seen.

Junhee took one out of six vials, admiring the product between her fingers before it landed on Yamamoto's man open palm. Exquisite product it was; just a tiny and colourless flakes of glass, and when it reflects the light, it will emanate a unique diamond-like effect. That was why the stimulant was called "Diamonds". And, its authenticity was proven with a satisfying 'beep' from the device held by his man.

"We'll take it," Yamamoto spoke up for the first time, watching Junhee intently behind his half-frame glasses as he chewed the sushi laid in front of him, "Bring the goods here in ten days."

Junhee dipped her head, trying to suppress a wide grin from cracking all over her face. She did not expect this deal to be this smooth and easy as Yamamoto studied her features bathed in the moonlight. "Mister Choi would be happy to hear this. I can't wait to break this news to him. He—"

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