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SONG Junhee was having a huge ass crisis

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SONG Junhee was having a huge ass crisis.

She finally woke up from her slumber, heat greeted her cheeks as she groaned from the position she was put into; she was sitting on a metal chair, both wrists but the legs were bounded behind her with what she had thought a cable tie, so tight it could have numb her limbs.

Her skull and spine felt so bruised from the trauma she had suffered at the gym, the ache did not seem to go away for a while as the tsunami of pain kept crashing against one another like waves hitting the shoreline. A flurry of emotions surged through her feeble form, but there was one conspicuous feeling manifested deep into her bones. With her pathetic condition—tethered, vulnerable, enervated—the whole situation seemed to mimic how she was feeling: utterly incapacitated. A feeling she hated the most.

Junhee weakly lifted her head. Bright flames, crackling woods and smokey odour slowly registered into her senses. Her hair curtained her face as she scanned her surroundings to get her bearings, rapidly blinking away the diplopia in her eyes to a clearer resolution. She faintly shook her head and that was when she noticed where she was, but she could not really figure out the exact location.

Around her was an imposing brick buildings, the gleam of the moonlight dressed up in silver and white slipped through the broken windows, illuminating every dark corner where the firelight cannot engulf it as a part of its territory.

The place probably had been silent for many years if Junhee had to judge from the broken glasses, trash laying around, lot of scrap metals and screws scattered haphazardly all over the floor that it could be a pitfall to wander around. It was also obvious this place had been a victim to heavy vandalism just by looking at the amount of graffiti on these walls, and empty spray paint cans dispersed on the ground.

Being held at the base of these massive structures gave Junhee a sense of how grand the place must have been when it was still operating. Now, what was left of it was a ghost building, and the silence of it was deafening.

An ominous creak, like a rusty gate swinging shut can be heard. Junhee perked up, eyes wilding around the darkness as she struggled with the bound behind her, hissing, as every friction made seemed to irritate her skin further. There was a trick on how to escape oneself from this type of situation, but before Junhee could do that, her hands needed to be in correct position first.

"You're awake." Do Gangjae stepped out from the shadows, catching Junhee's attention as he came into the bonfire radius.

His face was still coated in dried blood; the paramount life-source that once belonged to dozens of Dongcheon members he slaughtered as he sat down in a vacant chair across from Junhee, legs crossed at the ankles.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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