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IT was four in the morning

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IT was four in the morning.

Where most souls were sleeping, there was Junhee sitting on a couch in Mujin's living room, donning only one of his oversized t-shirt and an underwear she previously wore as she listened to someone on the phone currently feeding back some crucial information to her.

Hours ago, she was hot and heavy with Choi Mujin, then ended up assimilated to the world of the dead in his arms until she jolted awake by recurring nightmares as usual. It was always the same dream she had been having, the ones lurking deep inside the temporal lobe, waiting to pounce on her the moment she closes her eyes.

Inside the dream, there was nothing but the vast expanse of pitch black territory. The air was dry, suffused with metallic and festering scent of crimson; scent that hung at the back of her nostrils and throat, a heavy odour she was too familiar with. It was acrid to the nose, like someone just nicked a carotid artery in a compact room. Warm and thick wetness seeped between her toes, and she found herself standing in the puddle of her victims' blood. As she looked down at her reflection in the puddle, she could see herself but it was not really her. It was the Reaper. The ichor spiralled, showing her the images of people she had killed; how they begged for mercy and she completely ignored their beseeching as she snatched their lives remorselessly. Countless of lives, their blood drowned her into the dark abyss, dragging her to Hell's door for judgment of her sins, leaving her gasping for air every time she woke up.

"Unnie, are you still there?" Yoon Jiwoo's voice emerged from the other side. The young woman probably had thought Junhee fell asleep given the ungodly hour as she explained what happened on the ship, hence the question.

Junhee on the other hand, listened to every detail the little mole was sharing. It was an ambush, according to her, aligned with what Taeju had said. Breaking news, Jiwoo revealed there were multiple cameras planted around Liber Hotel to track Mujin's movements and the organisation. Junhee made a mental note of those cameras—hallway in front of the penthouse, basement elevator exit, the garage exit—for immediate disposal. That sudden action probably could raise the Narc's suspicion, and also could compromise Jiwoo's position in the division. Yet, Junhee believed Jiwoo would remain undeterred and she can handle herself just fine if anything likely to happen to her.

With Mujin's life on the line, Jiwoo also admitted she used the gun that belonged to her father's killer to jeopardise the Narcotics Division operation, intentionally letting Mujin and Taeju to slip away from their grasp with a single rogue gunshot. Hellbent on finding Yoon Donghoon's killer, Jiwoo left the police-issued firearm at the scene; to act as a ploy to gauge some expression from Cha Giho if he was indeed the killer. Junhee did not see that coming—that decision of hers to plant the gun—and she can feel herself was smiling as she listened to her, thinking how much Jiwoo had grown up and able to make her own resolution.

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