Nightmare's Nightmare [Chapter 1]

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{Nightmare's P.O.V}

"Here goes another chaotic morning " Nightmare thinks

Nightmare was in the kitchen drinking his original coffee in the morning while dust and horror fight about something dumb again and error and killer chilling and watching the fight 

Nightmare was about to finish his coffee but froze Because he felt extreme pain in his soul area nightmare coughs and gives attention to the others 

Killer was the first one to speak and saw nightmare coughing 

" Boss! You alright why you coughing all of the sudden!?" Said killer with a serious face

the others watched as killer helped nightmare get up and put away his coffee

Then Nightmare spoke While still coughing a bit "I'm alright just uh Chocked a bit on the coffee"    the others look concerned but Still go to go on with their day.

Skip Time {Afternoon }>w<

Nightmare was in his office and was reading books and doing his thing like the normal nightmare he is while the others went out to do their work. 

Then Nightmare fell asleep And Was dreaming about something 

He was in a Nightmare! 

Nightmare was dreaming about The bullies when Night was bullied and let The Nightmare himself let out and killed some of his bullies while Dream was horrified of what was happening But Night promised Nightmare not to kill Dream because he is the only Family and Brother he has.

As Nightmare obeys 

While he did that The real Nightmare Woke up of that trauma as nightmare 

Nightmare had another ache In his whole soul area And continue thinking about his nightmare But the pain in his soul wouldn't stop so he had another .....


<3 ........................................................................................................

Okk  PLEASEEE don't mind  it if its really short 

Sorry if I made Nightmare too clingy But I'm trying my best TvT

BuTTt Hopefully you like this, for now, Cookies UvU

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