Griff In The House (pt.1)

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              A.J. POV

Dad: Here is your stuff.

Me: Thank you.

Mom: remember don't do anything bad.

Me: I'm not.

Dad: ok bye.

Mom: bye

Me: Bye. love you....

Mom and Dad: *does not say it back and drives away.*

Me: (thinking) they must of not heard me....

I go to the sign in desk and some girl in white pigtails looks at me up and down then rolls her eyes.

Hazel: Name.

Me: Ashlyn Joseph. But it could also be on there as A.J.

Hazel:  Your going to be in Grizzly cabin. 

she points to it.

Me: Thank You

Once I got there, there was some small teenage Indian boy reading with a huge cage right next to him and a child who looks 10 right on his bed reading a comic.

Ravi: Hi you must be new I'm Ravi and he is Jorge you must be new here.

I shook my head yes

Ravi: Well this is a boys cabin you must  be in the wrong one what's your cabins name?

Me: Grizzly cabin

Jorge: Your in the right one so welcome to grizzly cabin.

Me: Thanks

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

Xander: Hey guys we are getting another new grizzly his name is Griff. He's coming from juvie.

Ravi: Oh he is a juvenile park ranger?

Xander: No he's a juvenile delinquent.


(196 words and sorry if its short right now I will publish more but I also have homework and a lot more stuff I will do some maybe later or tomorrow.)

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