Panic Attack

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A/N: this is not a episode and I only own A.J.  


 Me and Griff was playing dodgeball and I started to shake...

Me: Hey I'm going to go get some water I will be back.

Griff: Ok. I'm going to use the bathroom.

I run to the dock and everything gets blurry and and I was shaking a lot. I had this voice in my head saying that I was stupid, ugly, and no one likes me and I was agreeing with it.

Me: I'm stupid, ugly, no one like you just using you. They are not even your friend. Your. Just. Alone. And. Always. Will. Be.

Griff POV

I was walking out of the cabin when I didn't see A.J anywhere. I went to see if she was at the dock and she was but..... crying and shaking but also it looked like she was saying stuff be I was to far away to hear. I started walking closer and I'm just hearing her say over and over again that she is ugly, stupid and no one needs her. I ran up to her and hugged her tight but no to tight where she can be comfy. She started to sob so I sat down with her until she calms down.

Me: You where having a panic attack and never told me..... 

A.J: I'm sorry... I thought you wouldn't like me anymore...

Me: I will always like you no matter what but you should have told me I could've helped you.

A.J: I'm sorry.... I just never had a friend that when they found out would stay with me...

I lifted up her chin so she can look at me

Me: I will always stay with you no matter what. I promise.

She smiles and looked at the lake. I felt this weird thing in my stomach and my cheeks became warm.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me: Hey Xander can I talk to you?

Xander: Yeah sure is everything okay?

Me: I don't really know to be honest...

Xander: What's wrong?

Me: That's the thing I don't know. One minute I was sitting with A.J the when she smiled my stomach started feeling weird and my cheeks got warm...

Xander: oh my goodness...


Xander: DUDE RELAX. You are not going to die its just...

Me: Just what???

Xander:  *smiling* You have a crush on A.J bro.

Me: ...... what?

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