The Dance

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A/N: This is not an episode name but has all the episode stuff in it. I only own A.J.

Griff POV

Its been a week ever since I found out I have a crush on my best friend, A.J. All my likings of her became way more stronger.

Me: Hey A.J!!

A.J: Hey Griff! Sit. *pats the seat next to her*

Me: Ok. So... I was thinking-

A.J: You? Thinking? No way.

Me: Haha very funny but I'm serious...

A.J: Is everything ok?

Me: Yeah but you how the dance is coming up?

A.J: Yeah what about it?

Me: have...

A.J: No.

Me: Ok... would you... like......

A.J: Go on.....

Me: Would you like....... to go

A.J: ....

Me: You know what forget it. I don't even know why I asked its not like you will ever like me back and all. I will leave you alone now sorry.... *starts to walk away*

A.J: *grabs my arm* I do want to go with you.

Me: Really?

A.J: *nods head yes*

Me: O-okay

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I got ready for the dance in woodchuck cabin when Tiffiny and Zuri locked me in the bathroom and I was screaming for help but no one heard me I started to cry and have another panic attack. Thats when I heard the door open but I couldn't get anything out. The bathroom door unlocked and it was Griff.

Griff: Hey hey shhh its ok... *saying in a soft calming voice while hugging me*


I covered my mouth really fast. That's the first time I yelled at him. He looked like he was about to cry but just smiled to hide it.

Me: I am so sorry its just that Tiffiny and Zuri locked me inside of here and it was my first dance a-

Griff: Its fine really... I'll leave you alone now... *a lot of tears falling*

Me: Griff wait.. please..

Griff: *stops walking when he reached the door and turns around* I will be at the dock *he smiles and leaves*

Tiffiny and Zuri come in and see me crying with the bathroom door open.

Zuri: How did you get out?

Me: Don't you guys think about talking to me...

I walk out of the bunk and go to the dock and see's Griff crying for the first time and saying stuff so I got closer.

Griff: Why would you try? You know that you like A.J yet she will never like you back.... you're always going to be a delinquent and nothing more...that's why your family left you. No one loves you....

I was so shocked to hear him say that. He never told me that he was abandoned as a kid. I ran up to him and gave him a tight hug.

Me: I am so sorry I really am but I heard everything you said and I do like you back and you are more than just a delinquent to me.... 

Griff: R-Really?

Me: Yes and why didn't you tell me that your parents abandoned you...

Griff: I thought you would make fun of me...

Me: I would never make fun of you and I never will.

Griff: Promise? 

Me: Promise.

DISCONTINUING!!! I wanna make you guys mad. *evil laugh* Thank you for reading and sorry for late updates. I am going to make a 3 new books 
1. Bose O'Brien X Reader
2. Luca Luhan X Reader

Griff X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now