MH #02 & #03

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There are many emotions Jungkook has been feeling amongst the painful heartbreak ever since she broke up with him, giving him no proper reason for her unexpected and abrupt decision. He's been feeling lost, like he's in such an unknown place with so many different negative and sad feelings that he has no idea how to get out of. There's confusion and also some amount of anger because replaying all of their times together, he wonders if he ever did something that hurt her or made her make such a decision to break off their over two year old relationship.

But no matter how many times he replays their moments together, he finds nothing. It took some time to figure out, or more like admit, that none of it is his fault. At least he thinks so because he has given her nothing but love and support. They barely fought for fuck sake! The closest thing that came to an argument was teasing bickering.

Fuck! They even made love days before she suddenly came up to him and told him she's breaking up with him. He feels like a total loser, wanting to ask her to move in for quite some time now. Her stuff has been in his apartment and she practically lived here. They woke up together in the mornings, went to work and then he came home to her.

And his stubborn mind allowed him no rest, maybe alcohol helped as well when he suddenly came up with a plan. Well, sounds like a stupid plan but it's worth a shot to ask you.

Since he doesn't know the reason behind their break up, there's just something inside him that tells him there's more to it. Some people might say he just doesn't want to face the reality, that he just can't deal and accept it. But he knows her. He knows whatever made her suddenly break off their beautiful relationship has to be something different. And it's not because she wants some time for herself. Apparently she wants to explore other things.

The weirdest thing is that when she told him all these reasons, she barely looked him in the eye. She avoided him like a plague as if the decision was breaking her.

His drunk mind (and the confused, desperate part of him) just suddenly thought of a plan.

"Can you pretend to be my girlfriend?"

He swears he has never seen you so confused, staring at him with your doe widened eyes. You thought he was kidding but he wasn't. So he explained his reasons to you, voiced his deepest thoughts that were slowly suffocating him and still are.

Of course, as stupid as the plan sounds, the moment he would see Kiko is happier without him and she doesn't care, he will have to move on – as much as the thought scares him. Maybe it's his sixth sense but there's something that doesn't add up and he wants to figure it out. With your help.

He totally understood when you didn't seem to be totally sold on that idea. He never wanted to push you to do something you're not comfortable with and he knows what he has asked of you is a lot. It's a lot to process. A part of him feels like he has no right to be asking you for help, not as soon as you had sat down next to him and it felt like the old times again.

Mutual Help [Jungkook's version]Where stories live. Discover now