MH #20

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You're in the middle of whining when he urges you to move, despite your protests about how your legs hurt when he hears the commotion happening behind you two.

He's surprised Taehyung isn't the one who's whining but it's you. To be fair, you've been hiking for quite some time now and if someone isn't used to walking such a long distance, of course they'll feel it sooner. You're that someone.

But there's no time to be thinking about all of this when you both turn around, your sentence cut off by a loud cry Jungkook immediately recognizes. His suspicion is proved right when he spots Kiko on the ground, hands gripping what seems to be her ankle. He moves fast and without thinking, rushes toward her and her crying figure.

The ground is hard under his knees but that's the least of his worries as his heart twists when he's met with her teary eyes and usually soft features twisted into a painful expression. Hoseok joins Jungkook, scanning Kiko but he barely notices him as he tries to examine her ankle.

"I think you twisted your ankle,"

He doesn't want to hurt her, so his touch is as delicate and soft as it can get as her whimpers die down. The ankle is already swelling and it's not a pretty sight, judging by Kiko trying to bite down her cries and whimpers it must hurt too. It's more than clear she won't be able to continue to hike, not when she is still on the ground, probably not capable of standing up on her own, without any help.

"We have to get back. You can't walk with your swollen ankle." he informs her, feeling her warm and brown eyes on him.

"No, you guys wanted to go hiking. I can just walk slower, or wait for you to come back."

Jungkook knows how stubborn she can be, especially if she doesn't want to ruin the moment for everyone else and this is exactly the case. He wants to smile at her thoughtfulness and selfness, though his worry won't allow him.

He's ready to protest, informing her that there's no way she'll be able to handle the entire hike and the way back in this state. He knows she knows that – there's no need to pretend as if she is fine when she's not.

"It's fine. We can separate, but someone has to go with you. You won't be able to walk that distance on your own." Luckily Namjoon joins the conversation, apologetically looking at Kiko whose features turn into defeated ones.

"I'll take her," he says immediately, the need to get her to safety and let her rest her ankle strong. "You guys go."

He helps her stand up, his heart blooming as he's close to her and is welcomed by the familiar scent of her. He tells her to get on his back, not wanting her to strain herself any longer since she keeps her feet in the air, barely holding her balance.

"Kookie, Hoseok can take me."

He feels endearment by the nickname, suddenly feeling like the time has turned back – and things and love between them is the same.

Mutual Help [Jungkook's version]Where stories live. Discover now