MH #26

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The smell of home welcomes Jungkook once he gets inside, closing the front door after him. Lights turned on, he smiles at what that means and takes off his shoes. Draping his thin black jacket on a hanger, feet padding deeper into the apartment. The faint sounds from TV surround the place and he notices there's some movie turned on, his attention focused elsewhere as soon as an even wider smile spreads across his lips.

There she is.

His girlfriend turns around at the sound of footsteps, her head poking from the couch as she sits straight and mimics his own smile. "Hi, you're back!" she says happily.

So happily that it makes Jungkook's heart melt. Wasting no time, he gets to the couch and kisses his girlfriend, sighing happily as their lips meet. She hums into the kiss, pulling him onto the couch.

"How was the workout?"

"Exhausting and energetic. Does that make sense?" he chuckles, allowing her to get on his lap as his hands squeeze her hips automatically.

She wraps her arms around his neck, smiling down at him. "Yes." she giggles.

"What were you doing?" he asks softly, staring lovingly at her.

"Nothing much," she shrugs, "Just watched TV and scrolled through Instagram. Missed you." she mumbles, Jungkook's smile widening once more.

"I missed you too."

She giggles, kissing him. "What are we gonna do about it?"

Lips twitching in a soft smirk, he cocks his head to the side. "Have you eaten something?" he asks instead, laughing when she pouts disappointedly.

"No," she sighs, already knowing what's going to happen. "Was waiting for you. I made you fried chicken."

Jungkook leans his head back, groaning. "You're torturing me. Fried chicken? I just came from the gym." he whines cutely, grinning which indicates he's joking. He does take his diet seriously, but how can he say no when she makes him dinner?

He doesn't care about diet at the moment.

"You don't have to eat it." she muses jokingly. "But I made it with love."

"Hm, is that so?"

"Yes," she nods. "But we can skip dinner too. I have better plans anyway."

She presses herself closer to him, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest. "Nice try," he pats the side of her ass. "You're gonna eat first. Let's have dinner."

She whines loudly, Jungkook laughing as he stands up, caging her in his arms as she giggles. He leads her toward the kitchen when the nice smell of her culinary skills fill his nose.

✫ ✧ ˚ .  *  ✷ ˚ ✫

Jungkook groans as his biceps bulge, lips pressed tightly together as he lifts up the heavy dumbbell. There's a hole in his chest, several it seems like. Not only has his mind been a complete mess, contradicting his heart, but there's the whole argument that has happened with you replying in his mind. No matter what he does, he just can't seem to take a break.

The constant overthinking and thinking of what he has done wrong mentally tires him.

He should've been more careful. Should've been more in control when it came to your deal. He wondered if he would have just fucked you and showed zero affection, wouldn't you feel dirty and used? He's not used to treating women as his source of pleasure. Especially not you. You mean too much for him to do that to you – and to any woman in fact.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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