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Narcissa frowned seeing the bloody nose of Steve, and Scorpius took Valerie who yawned. She whined until he laid her down in his arm. She was trying to go back to asleep. "Now what happened?" Narcissa asked. "My mother's husband's." Steve whispered, and she nodded getting handed a wand and a couple seconds later, he was fixed. "Thank you." Steve said. "Come, I'm going to lay Val back down. She isn't ready to be awake yet." Scorpius said and Steve followed him to James's bedroom. James and Victor still laid asleep as Scorpius laid the baby down in the crib

She yawned, and closed her little eyes. "I take it he isn't coming back to school either?" Steve asked. "Nah, Harry. Doesn't want any of us going back." He replied as they exited the small bedroom and he took Steve back to his. "Are you able to get any of your things? The clothes we have I can tell are going to be to big for you." Scorpius said, but got a light kiss, he blushed. "I am okay with baggy clothes if you feel the need for me to wear more then my tank top and boxers." Steve said.

"I...don't, but Harry and my father might..." Scorpius said, letting Steve take his hand and pulled him to sit on the bed. "I...can handle things myself if I need to, but...I am wondering if sex is something your interested in." Steve said. "I...don't think I can for a couple more weeks, and...I'm not... exactly sure How I handle it. It...wasn't the way you think when I got pregnant with my daughter." He admitted. "I'd be opening to you fucking me, if that would help. Either way, it's fine really. I just need to know

So I can how to handle it...I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but...since my fifteenth birthday...I often wake up...needing to take care of it. I'd imagine it would happen more if I am staying here...Because You know I have liked you for a long time." Steve said. "I...really don't know, Steve. I haven't...really thought about dating somebody since everything happened...and now that I am...I'm not sure...How to answer that question...because I...still have a lot of problems...mentally anyway." He whispered, feeling the light kiss on his cheek.

"Really, it's okay. How is your step daddy?" He asked. "They aren't married yet, but I don't know. James is the only one that knows other then dad and he doesn't want to tell anybody. He doesn't want the kids to worry." Scorpius said. "I understand." Steve said, before little Robin started to cry. She was a hungry little girl. "Can I feed her?" Steve asked. "Sure." He smiled lightly.
Harry felt the kiss on his forehead that woke him up form his light sleep. Draco had came down to the hospital. "Hey, the doctors say I can take you

home...but you have to keep in bed." Draco said. "I...don't feel like doing much, so that won't be a problem. I'm ready to go home. I know the kids have been worried." Harry said. "They have been, but they haven't been to bed.  Um, Scorpius's ravenclaw boyfriend is staying with us until his dad gets back from a deployment." Draco said. "You need to talk to them, both, about sexual activities. They both can and will get pregnant if they don't use some kind of protection." Harry said and Draco nodded. "I will...But I'm more worried about

Steve. I'm sure it's not the frist time his step father's hurt him and he is very small for a boy of sixteen." Draco said. "Have your mom see what she can find out and just keep him at the house. See if you can't talk him into the homeschooling." Harry said, getting a light kiss. "I'll see what I can do." Draco smiled lightly.
The children all made their way downstairs when Draco returned with the broken (still) Harry and Rachel reach out for him. "I missed you too!" He said, and gave her a light pat, but wouldn't

be able to hold her and get to were he needed to be. The bed.
"Boys, let me talk to you for a minute." Draco said, walking into Scorpius's bedroom. The two of them followed Draco down to the kitchen, each thrown a potion. "Dad what's this?" Scorpius asked. "It's a birth control. I don't want details, but one or both of you need to take it. Robin is just a month old and I don't need you over welcomed, Scorpius because Harry is kin on you finished that secondary school." Draco said and they both just nodded. "Can we

Go?" He asked. "Yeah." Draco said, and the two of them went back upstairs.
Draco came into the bedroom, and the triplets and Rachel were on the bed. Rachel whined until Harry put her on his lap and now she rested against him, happy and watching the triplets all wide eyed. "I see you didn't go straight to bed." Draco smile lightly, lending down and giving Harry a kiss. "I missed my babies and Rachel wouldn't stop fussing until she got my attention." Harry said and Draco smiled, before he climbed in the bed. "I'm guessing you still don't want

To talk about what made you have to go ride that evening, do you?" Draco asked. "No, I don't. However...have you took Noah and David out yet?" Harry asked. "I haven't. I needed you home, because David didn't want to leave knowing you wasn't home. I should be able to take them somewhere this weekend. Understand, I'm only doing so because I don't want it hurting them." Draco said. "I do understand...I'll...work in it not being so strongly disliked, but I can't make that promise." Harry said and Draco nodded. "It's okay, really." Draco replied.

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