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• Niall's POV•

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• Niall's POV•

"Come on mate. You've been staying in the studio working on music nonstop. I get that you're in a bit of a writers block, I understand.. but I wanna celebrate the release of my new song. Not to mention you're the only one in the states at the moment."

I let out a big sigh. Harry was right, I've been having writers block and have just stayed in the studio hoping anything would come to my head. So far nothing. I guess going to the club for the night wouldn't hurt.

"You're right Harry. I need to get out so yeah. I'll head home and then meet you at the club in a few hours okay?"

Harry nodded happily and then made his way out of the studio as I did the same.

Once I got back to my flat, I got a quick shower and decided to wear a brown suit with a dress shirt. You never know when there might be paps and I wanna be looking somewhat decent. Plus I like dressing up more now than I did when the band was active.

I made my way into the club automatically being met with loud music. As I'm looking for Harry, I hear my name being called.

"Niall, hey mate over here!"

I make my way over to Harry and his band, and we do our little bro hug.

"Look at you, all fancy and shit."

I laugh. We all sit down, talk and drink for a bit. About an hour later, I realize we are out of drinks so I decided I was gonna get more.

As I make my way to the bar I see a girl sitting alone.. and if I'm being honest, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. So I decided to take my chances and talk to her.

"Nice to meet ya, can I get you a drink?" As soon as those words left my mouth I cringed. What the fuck Niall.. why would you say that? I though to myself.

I was quickly taken out of my thoughts when the girl turned around. I take back saying she's beautiful because she's actually drop dead gorgeous. I noticed she had frozen up a bit, meaning she most likely knew who I was and that caused me to have a small smirk on my face.

"Well it's not everyday a pop star offers you a drink so sure. but a little tip? I'd introduce myself first," she says with the most adorable giggle.

"You're right. My name is Niall Horan but it sounds like you already knew that. What might your name be?"

"It's Jade, Jade Carter."

God even her name is perfect. okay Niall get a hold of yourself.

"Well what is a beautiful girl like yourself doing here, Jade?"

"I'm not here alone. I'm with two of my best friends.. I caught my ex cheating and I just needed a night out," she explains, "and as much as I'd love to keep taking to you, I'm gonna go dance with my friends."

She didn't even give me enough time to say anything else before she left, which I understand because she came here to forget about what had happened hours before. Even tho I just met her I already wanna hit her ex. How could someone hurt someone as beautiful as her? I just don't understand. Maybe I'll get a chance to see her again later. With a small shrug of my shoulders, I shake these thoughts away and make my way back over to the table.

"Naill James Horan I know damn well I didn't just see you talking to a beautiful girl, and if I truly did see that why the hell are you back over here?" I just shake my head at Harry but can't help the little smile that forms on my lips.

"well Harold, if you must know, I was indeed talking to a beautiful girl whose name happens to be Jade. She came with some friends and wanted to dance with them for a bit. I figured I'd let her be and maybe see her later on. Now enough talking, let's get trashed ya?"

About an hour later and I'm tipsy but not fully drunk, unlike Harry who is beyond gone at this point.

So I decide to go see if I could find Jade. Sure enough I saw her dancing with her friend, just swaying her hips to the music and damn that turned me on. But I'm gonna behave myself- she's been through enough already. I don't think a one night stand would be any help to her.

I make my way to her and her friend by sliding my hands on her waist, causing her to tense up a bit.

I was about to let go but then her friend noticed me and said something, "Jade, I don't know if I'm just really drunk but I think Niall Horan is standing right behind you."

With that Jade turned around to be met with the smirk on my face. "It's nice to meet you.." "Mia," her friend had managed to say.

"well it's nice to meet you Mia, but would it be okay if I stole your friend here for a bit?" She just giggled and ran off to who knows where.

Me and Jade have been dancing around and somehow eventually made it back over to the the bar so I could buy her that drink I promised.

We were enjoying each other's company when Mitch came over with a very drunk Harry, and Jade's friends had come over as well.

Right before I was gonna say something, another one of Jade's friends had spoken, "holy shit you're Niall Horan and Harry Styles-"

"and who might you be?" Harry asked with a smirk before almost falling over in Mitch's arms.

"Okay I think it's time to get you home Harold," I said to him.

He hummed in agreement so as I went to turn back around to ask Jade for her number, I realized she had gone off once again.

I glanced down and that's when I noticed a napkin with a phone number on it with "text me sometime - Jade"

I quickly checked around to see if I could see her, but with no luck I just smiled and then helped Mitch get Harry to my flat since he'd need someone to watch him. He's for sure gonna have a killer hangover. We got home and once I got Harry settled I went off to bed with a smile on my face, thinking of Jade.

A/N hey loves I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment and I made this chapter a little longer just bc it was Niall's pov
I also just made a tiktok account called kuwnh aka keeping up with niall horan and I just posted my first tiktok y'all should check it out!

Nice to meet ya//niall horan Where stories live. Discover now