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• Jade's POV•

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• Jade's POV•

I'm awoken by my stomach telling me I need to empty it, so I quickly run to the bathroom and in goes my head in the toilet. Once I'm done, I clean myself up and make my way do to the kitchen where I see Mia with her head on the table and Abby making coffee. We all share an apartment together.

"You guys look like shit," I say as I make my way in the kitchen. Mia lifts her middle finger up, keeping her head on the table.

Abby on the other hand says, "Bitch I wouldn't be talking. You look like your ass got hit by a train."

I just roll my eyes and make some coffee.

"So I gotta ask.. was I just really drunk or did you really meet Niall Horan last night?" Mia asked. Once she said his name I had to put my head down because I was blushing like crazy.

"Yes I ended up meeting him. I'm in shock though. I still can't believe that happened, not to mention I apparently ended up leaving my phone number on a napkin for him, but I doubt he will even text me."

Right as I finished telling the girls this, my phone had gone off meaning I had a new text. I looked at my phone and my jaw hung open.


"WELL BITCH DONT JUST STAND THERE! OPEN IT!" Abby exclaimed, and that's what I did.

I couldn't help but laugh with what he had sent:

Niall Horan
Hey it's Niall I hope this is truly jade and not someone's grandma because then I would have to go dig my own grave.

Sorry to say this is someone's grandma

Naill Horan
Damn welp gonna go dig that hole now

Chill it's jade I was just messing with you 😂

Naill Horan
You think you're so funny don't you?
But anyway I was gonna ask you last night but SOMEONE decided to run off before I could.. so Jade can I take you on a date tonight?

I like to think I'm really funny and I'm sorry my friends were mad drunk and I had to get them home

But to answer your question yes I'll go out with you tonight

Niall James
Perfect I'll be by your place at 6:30. wear something casual yet nice

Okay I'll see you then Niall


As I got done texting him, I hadn't realized I had a smile on my face until Mia said something. In fact until she said something I forgot I was still in the kitchen with them.

"What has you smiling so damn big? it's like you're not even hungover anymore," she said with a huff.

"I don't maybe it's the fact that I just had a convo with Niall and he may or may not have asked me out on a date."

The girls start to squeal like a bunch of school girls while I let out a small laugh.

"Well where did he say he would take you!?"
"Do you gotta dress fancy?"
"When's he's coming for you? how much time do we have??"

Both girls asked me questions at the same time, it was slowly making my hangover come back.

"Can y'all please shut the fuck up? I still have a massive headache. But to answer your questions, no he didn't say where he was taking me. He said to dress casual yet nice so I guess semi fancy.. and he said he would be here at 6:30. Seeing as it's about 12, we have a good few hours still."

After the girls had their little squeal fit, we decided to be lazy and watch some tv for a bit before I get a shower and they rummage through my closet to find me something to wear. We are currently watching OBX on Netflix because why not.

"Ugh JJ is so hot like he could run me over with a truck and I would be happy."

I just laugh at Abby's comment. Then I realized I haven't posted a new video or anything on Insta which causes me to groan loud.

"Are you okay babes?"

"Yeah I just realized I haven't posted a new video on Insta in a while. I need to do that but.. truth be told, I haven't had any ideas of what to video lately. I guess I can maybe do a get ready with me video and then have one of y'all take a photo of me later before Niall gets here."

It's now 3:00 which means I should start getting ready. I take a quick shower and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I then set up my camera and start recording while I do my makeup and then Mia is gonna help me with my hair.

"Hello my loves it's been so long since I've made a video and I'm sorry about that. Today I'll be doing a 'Get ready with me' video! So let's get started."

I go ahead and start applying some foundation onto my face, "so while I'm doing this I'll just catch y'all up on my crazy life. well for starters, Nate and I sadly broke up- well more like I broke up with him because I caught him cheating on me on our 2 year anniversary. Honestly men ain't shit!" I laugh to myself.

"So the girls decided to take me out last night and I happened to meet a certain guy. I won't say who at the moment just because I don't know if he'd want to be known.. let's just say it's someone who's kinda big in the world. But anyway, he asked me on a date and I know y'all are thinking 'Jade didn't you just say men ain't shit?' yes but I feel different about this guy. Besides it's only the first date and I'm not really looking for anything serious right now. I don't want him thinking he's a rebound."

I finally finished my makeup and then called for Mia to come do my hair.

"Mia! bitch come in here, I need my hair done!" I screamed loud on purpose because she's got a hangover.

"You bitch! I know you did not just yell at me. My head is banging."

We laugh and she starts working on my hair. It's currently 4:00 and he's coming around 6:30, but I know it's gonna take a while for Mia to straighten my hair because there is so much.

"Girl can't I just put your hair in a pony tail? Your hair is too thick, it's gonna take forever to curl it."

"Stop being a lazy bitch and just straighten my hair please."

She does so while we just talked into the camera a bit. All in all it basically took a full hour.

"Okay now that my hair and makeup is done, let's go into my room and see what Abby has picked out," I said to the camera, "Okay what have you picked out for me?"

Abby shows me a very cute black dress with red polka dots on it, along with a pair of black heels.

"This is so cute- I didn't even know I had this."

"oh you don't, it's mine. you have like no cute outfits so I'm letting you wear this."

I playfully roll my eyes but get into the dress anyway. Once I'm done, I go ahead and end my video before going outside so Abby can take a few photos of me. I can post them later once I've posted the video, which I'll edit tonight.

By the time I'm all done, it's about 5:30ish meaning that Niall will be here soon. I decided to sit on the couch for a bit with the girls while I anxiously wait.

A/N hey my loves I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter Don't forget to vote and comment!
I also just made a tiktok account called kuwnh aka keeping up with niall horan and I just posted my first tiktok y'all should check it out!

Nice to meet ya//niall horan Where stories live. Discover now