Chapter 8

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"Pleasure to meet you Y/N. I'm Venti." he introduced himself with a smile on his face. You thought he was kinda weird, especially because he was playing an instrument in the middle of a forest. He seemed pretty nice actually.

You were lost in your thoughts that you failed to notice Xiao glaring at you expectantly. He started walking away with Venti and then looked at you, as if he wanted you to come with them. You got the message and walked with them. You mindlessly walked and was surprised to see yourself at your doorstep, with Xiao and Venti of course.

"Open the door." Xiao said almost demandingly. So you opened the door and welcomed them inside. As soon as you walked in, you put down your stuff and headed straight for your room, locking the door shut. Then everything hit you like a bus.

Some rando cat-human hybrid was stalking you, you let him in, then he brings you to a shady-ass place and there you and him find another random animal human hybrid playing the flute. You never really saw what animal he was mixed with due to his hat.

You started asking yourself questions about your life decisions until you heard a loud knock on your door. You didn't even reach the door when the doorknob cracks and the door opens. 'Holy barbie toes-' 

"I'm hungry." Xiao says as if he didn't just break your door. You stand in front of him in shock, your jaw dropped. 


You are currently sitting on the couch watching a romcom while Venti is in your kitchen and has somehow found your supply of wine. You enter the kitchen to check if Venti is alright and he's not. He is now on your dining table and twerking at that. You've tried everything to get him off the table and drink some water but now it's looking like you're going to have to use brute force.

You grab him by his waist and throw him over your shoulder taking him to Xiao's room. Xiao is in his room sleeping and you know that a drunk Venti will annoy him so you are basically taking revenge on him breaking your door by ruining his precious sleep.

You carry Venti into his room and before he could open his eyes you drop Venti in there and run. You make it to the living room just in time before he kills you(no pun intended). After a few minutes of silence you assume he just didn't wake up or he doesn't care(very unlikely). A little later you decided to get back to watching the movie.

You thought it was a little too quiet because you couldn't even hear drunk Venti babbling anymore. You walk to Xiao's room and take a peek inside. You widen your eyes at the sight.

A happy looking Venti cuddling with Xiao? You were very confused as to why Xiao would even let him stay in there. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were closed, looking somewhat pissed. He opened his eyes and immediately set his gaze on you. You quickly noticed and ran out of the doorway hoping he didn't see you but it was obvious he did. 

'Damn, I got caught' you thought. 'They did look cute with each other tho.'

Neko!Sub!Xiao x Dom!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now