Chapter Six: A Tremor Of Wicked

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Fourty-one reads! Whoop Whoop! So happy right now, I'm literally in the zone. So, lets get cracking, shall we?


Left, left, right, kick, swing and kick. Again. Left, left, right, quick step dodge, kick, swing and kick...

The bass was thumping through the wooden floorboard, giving me rhythm to torture the sucker of a punching bag. Left, kick, kick and swing...

Two hours! They locked me up in here for two hours! One week! One week of suspension, torture and above all, one week without any Colton.

I punched the bag harder, pushing my limits as my anger boiled. Up to no end, it frustrated me. Not one word from him, I didn't even know if he was alive. After everything of messing around with me, he's gone. And you know what?

I'm not even supposed to care. Hell, didn't I want him gone? To forget about my existance? I want normality. And with Colton being gone, I'm closer to a happier me.

Yeah right.

One last punch and the bag breaks away from the ceiling, combusting in mid-air. Sand blows all over the place, choking me and getting into me eyes. I cough and wheeze, trying to find my way to the door.

The music stops and a hand grabs my elbow, pulling me out the room. I breath a lung full of air, beautiful air.

"I'm going to ignore that and just say that Simon has gone crazy again." Devon chuckles, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Not like that's anything new." His twin, Grant comments.

Devon rolls his eyes at Grant.

"Anyway, we going out, so shower and get dressed."

The pair of them stroll off into the dark hallway, leaving me alone. I stare into the gym room, him again on my mind. Colton...

I shower and dress quickly, ignoring the mirror. I stumble around, trying to squeeze my foot into my sneakers. I tie the laces and rush out my bedroom door.

For the week, I have been living with those new guys who taught me the necessary and kept me up to date on what was happening at school. Simon, being the so responsible one, brought my homework everyday. Let's say it made great fire.

We all pile up into Travis' truck, me taking shotgun. Travis starts the car and pulls out the drive way. Grant and Devon bicker at the back about a video game and Travis asks Simon about new fighting tactics, all this going to my head. It was just too much for one whole week.

"Where we going?" I ask after an hour of driving.

"Going for a run." Grant chirps excitedly. I knew this was coming soon. I still wasn't found of being a werewolf, not even the slightest. I refuse to be a giant doggie. The only time I have ever been in wolf form was when I first met Colton.

I sigh, for both him and the whole ordeal he brought about. "Let's just get this over with."

We pulled up at the side of an abandoned road next to a dark forest. The trees loom in front of me. As a wolf, it's supposed to entice and call me. I felt different.

Something crawled up my spine, a tremor of wicked. The air felt thick and devious, calling on out a dark side of me. My eyes strayed into the darkness, feeling a different kind of passion.

I snap out of it, and follow the boys down into the ditch. I didn't know what it was, but something felt amist; different, and I knew it had nothing to do with my transition.

In silence, Devon led us deeper in the forest, I felt more exposed by the second. I stayed close to Simon's side, my eyes constantly darting around.

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