Chapter 4

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??? Pov:

"Whatcha making?"

I motioned that it was soup.

"Again? Is that all we have?"

"No, it's all that you can eat."

"I hate not having an actual digestive system..."

My ears creaked slightly as I heard faint snarling.

I kicked in the cupboard and tossed a shotgun to the annoying teen on the stairs and grabbed my axe just in case it was unwelcome company.

"Welp, time for a blood bath."

As soon as we exited the building we saw a pack of those nasty things fighting our other crew.

Their jaws dripping with their previous hunt. I still can't tell which is worse, the killers or the hounds.

I swung the axe and struck one of them in the side, severing its first core from its head. Now it was still blood thirsty just missing a body.

I swung my axe again down on to it and watched as its inside spilled acrossed the pavement.

"Hey! We still need to find a functioning voice box!"

I flinched slightly as one of them grabbed onto my ear before I saw its body fall to the ground.

Its body crawled up and I saw the core. I threw in my knife and it shut down.

It was a good while until they were all dead.

I found my friend kneeling over the body of one of the wolves breathing harshly with a nasty gash in its side.

"You may rest now..."

The other wolves howled into the air as the fallen's eyes fluttered closed.

I gently put a hand on her shoulder and she got up.

"Finish food then we keep going, I've got a good feeling right now."

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