Episode 9 - Zane vs the Gym Leader!

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Eugene woke up in the Pokémon Center, and rubbed his eyes. He was trying to bring up the memories of yesterday.

Maverick has brought them to Old Ronde, and he, Hugo, and Zane checked into the Pokémon Center to sleep. Which brought him to today

Eugene stretched, he saw that Hugo and Zane were out of the room, likely getting breakfast. Eugene went to the lobby where, sure enough, there they were.

"Good morning, Hugo and good morning Zane" Eugene said, nodded to them as he got breakfast. When he sat down, he saw that they had already finished eating

"Good morning, Eugene" Zane greeted him "I was talking to Hugo about my strategy for this gym" he said. Eugene nodded "I presume you're helping Hugo with his, strategy...also, how can you make a strategy? The gym leader's type of choice is unknown to us"

Hugo cleared his throat "uh, about that. I actually beat the gym leader before I met you guys" Hugo said "You what?" Eugene asked, in shock "How did Rockruff do anything excel basically die"

Hugo shrugged "I had a strategy." Hugo said "Also, as I told Zane, Clover is a grass type specialist"

Zane nodded "So, Aipom and Turtwig should be fine for this gym." He said "And my entire team counters hers. Perfect" Eugene said, knowing he had this gym battle in the bag already.

Zane rolled his eyes, deciding to ignore Eugene "Hugo, do you remember the field at all?" He asked and Hugo thought about it "Well, uh, I remember there was a lot of tall grasses and a few trees. And maybe a pond? I don't remember too well"

Zane nodded, it was better than nothing "Alright, I'm going in to challenge the gym leader." He said and Eugene and Hugo stood up to follow him "We'll watch from the stands" Eugene said "I appreciate it" Zane replied

As Zane entered the gym, he was greeted with humid air, it was very warm. Not only that, but there was plants everywhere.

As Zane approached the arena, he didn't see the gym leader - who Hugo said was named Clover - "Uh, hello? I'm here for a gym battle!" Zane called out and for a moment was greeted with silence

"Welcome, Challenger" he was finally acknowledged by the gym leader, who was tending to some plants in the arena. "I'm sorry for not noticing you come in, I was busy tending to some plants" she said

Zane nodded "I understand...I think? Never been much of a plant person" Clover chuckled a bit "My name is Clover, and who might you be?" She asked

"I'm Zane, I'm here for a gym battle, as you may have already guessed" he said. Clover nodded "Considering you already said so, I did, go to your end of the field." She said

Zane then walked to his side of the field. As the referee showed up. He was dressed up as a tree. Zane decided not to question it.

"This battle between the gym leader, Clover, and the challenger Zane from Oakwood Town shall now commence. The battle is a two on two and only the challenger may switch out their Pokémon. Now, battle, begin!"

"Aipom, I choose you!" Zane said, sending out the purple monkey

"Deerling, it is time for battle!" Clover sent out the small deer-like Pokémon.

Zane had never seen a Pokémon like Deerling before and pulled out his Pokédex

"Deerling, the Season Pokémon, the change of the seasons change this Pokémon's fur, people use it to mark the seasons" the Pokédex beeped

"Deerling, use Sunny Day, would you?" Clover gave the command

Deerling yelled to the ceiling as a harsh sun came down, and suddenly Deerling was fast

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