Episode 10 - Beat around the Deerling

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Eugene woke up, feeling very refreshed. He was ready to win. After all, literally all his Pokémon are super effective against Grass Types. Victory is in his grasp.

He walked to the lobby to see Hugo and Zane eating breakfast "How are you guys always here before me?" He asked

Hugo shrugged "Uh, I guess you just take a while to wake up?" He suggested as Eugene sat down, eating some omelettes

Zane looked at Eugene with a concerned look "Say, Eugene, do you have a strategy for the gym?" He asked, and Eugene nodded "Course I do. It's called Litten, Spearow, and Venipede"

Zane groaned "Eugene, you watched the battle, you need more than type advantage to win-" Eugene shook his head "I've trained, and what can a grass type do to Venipede anyway? This battle is already won!"

Zane just looked at Eugene with a concerned look "Well, in that case, let's finish eating and head to the gym" he said as Hugo facepalmed. Eugene didn't understand the doubt. He had the advantage!

Later, at the gym, Eugene stood outside with Hugo and Zane "Let's go in" Eugene said, with a smile.

As he entered Hugo turned to Zane "I almost hope he losses, maybe then he'll learn something" Zane sighed "I can understand that, but I don't want to see a friend lose. So, let's hope he wins this." Zane and Hugo then entered the gym, following Eugene.

Zane and Hugo sat in the bleachers as Eugene went to the battlefield, where Clover was tending to plants

"You're here for a gym battle?" She asked and Eugene nodded "Yes, and I will win. All my Pokémon have the advantage, you might as well hand the badge already"

Clover shook her head "Is that so? You definitely have much to learn." She said "Head to your side of the field, we'll have the battle" she said, sounding disappointed. Eugene didn't exactly know why. Maybe she already knows she's gonna lose?

Regardless, Eugene went to his side as Clover went to her side as the referee, now dressed as a flower - for some reason - came to the field "This battle between the Gym leader Clover, and the challenger Eugene Merz, shall now commence! The battle will be a three on three and only the challenger may switch Pokémon. Battle begin!"

"Alright, Litten, I choose you!" Eugene sent out the small fire type. Clover nodded "Deerling, it's time for battle!" She sent out the season Pokémon

"Litten, use Scratch!" "Deerling, use Sunny Day!"

As Litten rushed to Deerling, Deerling yelled to the sky as the harsh sun arrived and Deerlit effortlessly dodged

"Big mistake, Ember!"

Litten fired the embers right at Deerling and landed a direct hit, dealing massive damage

"So, Hugo, you know how Sunny Day works?" Zane asked

Hugo nodded "Yeah, it makes Pokémon with Chlorophyll move faster"

Zane nodded "That's not all it does. Another effect it has is it strengthens the power of fire-type moves."

"So this is good for both of them?" Hugo asked

"Yeah, if Eugene knows what he's doing, he may not struggle much with Deerling."

"We'll see if your boosted fire moves can beat Deerling, Energy Ball!"

Deerling fired a green ball at Litten

"Dodge it and hit it with another Ember!"

Litten jumped over the energy ball and fired embers at Deerling, who effortlessly dodged it

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