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Sanzu POV
It was a normal day for me so far. I had taken care of a few things or more like people for Mikey. I thought to reward myself by stopping by a bakery I was fond of and that's when I saw her. y/n l/n, my high school crush and the only girl I had ever had a crush on. She was looking at me and I was looking at her as she had just walked out the bathroom. She was now walking towards me and I was walking towards her. We never looked away from one another not even when we had stopped in front of one another.

"Haru " oh wow she said my first name "y/n" I said back. She smiled "It's so good to see you, your," she looked me up and down "Very different from what I remember" 'is that bad or good? shit why do I even care?' "You do to" I smiled back at her with my hands in my pocket "How have you been?" She asked as she held her small purse infront of her "I'm good how are you" "I'm great actually. I can't believe I'm running into you again. How long has it been?" "9 years almost 10 now" I shrugged "Yea it has huh, what are you doing in a place like this" she asked.

I chuckled "A bakery? Maybe getting something?" "Right sorry that was a dumb add question" she rolled her eyes at herself "What about you?" I asked "I'm coming to get a cake. I finished cooking dinner and my boyfriend wanted dessert but I didn't wanna cook it so he just decided to bring me here and gave me money for a cake" my eyelids lowered at the word boyfriend but I kept my smile. I mean look at her, I'd be pissed if she didn't have a boyfriend by now. She's just as beautiful as I remember her being.

I nodded at her words "Cool, could I have your number?" I asked her "Oh yea" she smiled holding her hand out. I handed her my phone from my back pocket. She typed it in "Here you can call me whenever I'm not working right now" she gave me my phone "I will" "l/n" we both turned to the lady calling out y/n's order "That's me. It was very nice seeing you again. Call me" she smiled walking over to the counter taking her cake and leaving out. And I watched her while she walked to her car and got in and her boyfriend drove off.

My smile dropped and I turned away from the window still waiting for my order. I was called next and took my order leaving out. I got in the car "I got you something to" I said taking out my piece of cake and handed the bag to Mikey who was seated next to me "Who was that girl you were talking to?" He ask taking out the pastry "Wow no thank you? I spent my hard earned money on that" I said dramatically. Mikey bit the Taiyaki and looked at me annoyed. I hummed in thought before shrugging "I guess you can say she was my high school crush" Mikey laughed. Yea he verbally let out a sound of laughter.

"What's so funny" he shook his head "Nothing, was she the same as you remembered" he asked "I'm not gonna tell you if your gonna laugh at me" I said annoyed "I'm not laughing at you it's just funny to think about you having a high school crush" "That's still laughing at me" I rolled my eyes "Okay I won't laugh" "Nope I'm not gonna tell you. I can't even trust you not to tell someone else" I pulled out of the parking spot driving off "I always tell people what you say to me" Mikey said muffled from the food in his mouth.

"Where are we off to" I sighed "Take me home but I'll need you later. Ran and Rindou brought an idea to me that I wanna run by with you guys just to make sure we're all on the same page" "Since when do you run things by us?" I questioned "I don't, I'm gonna tell you guys what happened and you guys are gonna sit there and agree that's what's gonna happen" I nodded my head "Okay then" from that point on it was quiet as I drove the rest of the way.

I dropped Mikey off and went straight home. I won't lie, I couldn't wait. I wanted to call her so badly. I closed my front door and locked it laying on the couch. I pulled out my phone quickly tapping her contact and waited for her to pick up "Hello" her voice is so nice "Hey y/n it's Haruchiyo" "Oh hey, you just now getting home?" "Yea how about yourself" "I've been home for awhile now. I'm just cleaning up the kitchen" "Am I bothering you at the moment?" I asked but I didn't really care "No your fine I'm done now but if you want we can talk more over lunch"oh she's inviting me out for lunch? I feel special almost.

"Yea of course how about tomorrow?" "That's fine when are you free"'"Whenever you are just call me" "Cool it was nice speaking to you again I'll see you tomorrow" "Same to you" "Goodnight" "Goodnight" she hung up. I looked at my phone and smiled but that smile dropped when a message from Mikey popped up only saying 11o clock. I groaned just thinking about how horrible my sleep schedule is. Should I go to sleep and wake up when it's time for the meeting? But if I sleep in Mikey might kick my ass.

I groaned getting up "I can just go out then again, where would I go?" I pulled out my phone looking at the time and then I got a call "Hello" "Come on we're outside" I pulled my phone from my ear and saw that it was Rindou "Huh" "We'll explain when you get in the car just come on" "Ok" I hung up and put my shoes back on leaving out and they were actually outside. I got in the backseat "Where are we going" I asked scooting to the middle and leaning up to the front seat "Sit the hell back before I hit the breaks" Ran complained as he pulled off. I laughed "We're going to our house" Rindou said.

"Why?" "Because Mikey wants a meeting at eleven but we don't want to fall asleep and end up late so your coming because we don't trust you alone" I smacked my lips sitting back "But you trust Takeomi? Yea try sleeping with him in your house you'll wake up with a knife in your chest and your fucking heart" I crossed my arms "Sounds personal but no. We just wanted to hang out with you but he is right about the not staying up part" Ran continued "I was trying to do the same. I was on the phone when I got the message so she hung up" I shrugged.

"Her?" "Ooo Sanzu has girlfriend" Rindou teased "Oh grow up it was just an old friend" I rolled my eyes "I bet it's y/n" Ran whispered but it didn't help that we were all so close to eachother "You mean his high school crush that never noticed him y/n" Rindou said back not as quiet as his brother "y/n and I were actually really close back then" "Close enough for you to drop her once she got a boyfriend" Rindou mumbled "Watch it" I warned "I know you liked y/n but I thought you were over that by now" Ran spoke in a questioning tone "I was, until I saw her again today and god damn she looked so good I could hardly help myself" I admitted.

"Simp" Rindou mumbled "Well you did something right since you got her number" "Yea we talked when I got home and even made plans to hang out tomorrow" I said pulling out my phone "Maybe you can finally go after her" Ran shrugged "She has a boyfriend" "So? That's never stopped you before" Rindou said in the same annoying tone of voice he always used "Oh I'm definitely going to get her boyfriend or not. I finally have a chance with her and who am I to let some nobody ruin it" "We are talking about sweet, kind, only curses when she's sad y/n right? I guarantee if she has a boyfriend she is loyal to him" Ran explained.

"Just wish him luck and shut the fuck up" Rindou said rolling his eyes at his brother "You know I can fuck you up right?" Ran threatened "You can try" Rindou laughed "You certainly can try" he mumbled again. I ignored them bickering and looked through my contacts until I found yours. I decided to texted you saying a simple hey and with little to no time you replied,

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hey have a new story

𝗗𝗼 𝗜 𝗪𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗞𝗻𝗼𝘄~ Sanzu Haruchiyo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now