Orange Fluffy Goodness

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A pair of gray eyes looked around the Magical Menagerie, disinterested in what was going on between Sirius and the shopkeeper. He'd been disinterested the moment Sirius announced they would be stopping by the shop so he could pick up something for Harry's pet. His mind was elsewhere, wanting to do other things that day, given what day it was and how shopping on his birthday wasn't in his plans. Just Sirius'.

He, of course, would have to wait for Sirius to finish making his purchase, so he found himself looking around the shop, utterly disinterested in the ongoings of the shop.

And then he saw it.

His gray eyes widened upon seeing it and the corners of his usually emotionless mouth turned up ever so slightly.

For what he saw was orange fluffy goodness. He stepped closer to the shelf upon which high up the orange fluffy goodness perched before lifting his arms, his mouth suddenly cracking into a smile as his gray eyes twinkled—orange fluffy goodness stood up from where it lounged, sliding right into his awaiting arms.

And boy was orange fluffy goodness soft. He turned, looking at Sirius, smiling, hooking one arm under to support the back end of orange fluffy goodness while the other supported the chest of the orange fluffy goodness, and then he called out. "Siri!"

Sirius startled, his head turning to look at him, one side of his mouth twisted into a smile while whatever he'd been looking over to buy was on the counter. He stared, his smile fading slightly in confusion.

He took a deep breath and said. "I want!"

The smile fell from Sirius' face, his jaw-dropping before he started speaking loudly, although not yelling. "Regulus! Bloody hell!"

"I want him," Regulus repeated, pulling the orange fluffy goodness up so he could nuzzle the top of the half-Kneazle cat's head, letting the orange fluffy goodness tickle his nose, a rumble escaping from his newfound friend.

Sirius' eye twitched, looking at orange fluffy goodness before saying, "Why the bloody hell would you want that hideous thing?"

"He's not bloody hideous," Regulus protested. "He's bloody brilliant and handsome."

"That cat is butt-ugly Regulus. Have you no taste?" Sirius glared at him.

"Please? Can I have him?" Regulus continued looking over the top of orange fluffy goodness' head, giving Sirius a look he knew Sirius struggled to say no to every since they'd reconciled. "Please, Siri?"

"There are other cats. Nicer cats than Crookshanks," the shopkeeper said, looking at Sirius, who looked back at the shopkeeper.

"Nope. It's got to be this one," Regulus said, knowing full well that the shopkeeper was trying to offer some kind of compromise that Sirius could use to talk him down, and yet Regulus didn't plan on backing down. In all his orange fluffy goodness, Crookshanks was going to come home with him and be his pet, though pet was the wrong word as family and friend were more apt as far as Regulus was concerned.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius continued staring, puzzled by what was going on. "She'll throw a fit the moment she sees that fur all over the furniture Regulus!"

"Which you'd absolutely love!" Regulus shifted, so Crookshanks' face was next to his own as the cat continued his wonderfully loud purr.

"As if! I'll be the one she'll lay into for getting you the damn thing, and not you! You can't ever do anything wrong!"

"Please, Siri! I must have him!"

"You don't need him!" Sirius snapped, glaring at him.

"Yes, I do, and he needs me!" Regulus retorted, now switching to pouting at his older brother.

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