Black Beetle

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"Namaste ji. He is my son, Aaryan.", Mom introduced me to Riddhima's mother and I smiled cheekily at her. She nodded and gestured Ishani to come forward. Ah, the moment I was waiting for! I suppressed my grin as she introduced herself to my mother and then to me.

Mom patted her head at which she smiled and I forwarded my hand for a shake hand, which she dodged royally by joining her hands. "Namaste", she said and then left me alone there. I chuckled at her. Riddhima was so right, she really is 'always-angry' woman.

I went towards the drink section and sat there, watching everyone enjoying the party. I noticed Riva and called her towards myself.

She jumped on my lap and I pinched her nose. "Do you want to have a soft drink?", I asked and she nodded excitedly.

"I want black buzzing liquid", she announced and I laughed at her cuteness. I ordered a lemon drink for me and a 'black buzzing liquid' that is coke for her. She grinned and took a sip immediately.

"Hey, Riva. What were you talking with Ishani there?", I asked her and watched her expressions. She gulped the coke in one sip and burped loudly.

"Ishani Masi was asking me about you.", She said and my smile widened.

"She said 'who is that black beetle which is staring us continuously'", She replied animatedly and my smile dropped. Black beetle, seriously?

Riva jumped off my lap and ran towards Riddhima, who was talking with Vansh Bhai. I huffed and glanced around to find a familiar fiery eyes. My eyes stopped at a particular woman who was laughing merrily with Siya and Angre.

I marched towards them and hung my arm around Angre's shoulder. Ishani snapped her face at me for a moment and then continued to talk with Siya. She then dragged Siya towards mother leaving us.

"Why are you so keen on irritating her?", Angre asked and I gasped. This was so cruel of him to accuse me of something that I never intend to do.

"When did I irritate her?", I shot back and he rolled his eyes.

"You were throwing lasers from your eyes at her like a black beetle, wherever she went.", Angre said and I gaped. Before I could ask who told you this, he was called by Bhai. With slumped shoulders I went towards Riddhima who was standing with a smile, watching everyone.

"How's party?", I asked her and she grinned at me. She told me how happy she was to see Badi Mom enjoying her birthday. We chatted for a while when Dr Kabir patted my back.

"What's up black beetle?", He raised his brow and I looked at him, horrified. What's up with everyone calling me black beetle today?

"Uh, Aaryan actually Riva is spreading the 'black beetle' incident probably because Ishani asked her to do so.", Riddhima said and I face palmed myself. Great! There goes my self respect! I glared Ishani who glared me back with a smirk.

Oh god! This she-devil!

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