Knowing her

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I kicked the soil of the garden as I watched her adoring the baby plants. Mom was very angry with my 'bratty behavior' towards Ishani and thus she told Ishani to punish me, the way she wants. And therefore I am standing here in the lawn, under the scorching heat of the sun, with an umbrella, which was covering only Ishani's head.

Apparently this was my punishment. Since I stalked her at the party, she wants me to do the same but with some 'consideration'. She wants me to hold an umbrella and a water bottle for her, till she roams around my home freely.

"Wow. These little buds are so cute.", Ishani awed at the little flowers and snapped a shot of them.

Maybe she is obsessed with her camera, because she had been taking so many photos of our garden.

"I am not obsessed with my camera but this garden, idiot!", She glared me. I still didn't figure out how she manage to read my mind everytime.

"Because you think too loudly, idiot.", She glared again and my jaw dropped down.

Great heavens! How many times will I make myself fool, infront of her?

"You are a fool, already", She murmured and I ignored it as if I haven't heard that.

I ran behind her, trying to shade her head with the umbrella as she continued to walk further and click more photos.

She then sat at the grass and watched the photos snapped by her. I stood beside her and tried to glance a look at them.

I bent my knees while still holding the umbrella and a water bottle in either hands. I craned my neck and abruptly lost balance, falling right beside her at my butt.

Her mouth was dropped down as she stared me in disbelief. She soon burst into a fit of laughter, while holding her belly. I rubbed my nape sheepishly.

She then scooted closer and showed me those photos.

"Woah! They look like professionals.", I look at them and then at Ishani with awe. The photography seemed so natural and professional at the same time. It was so perfect with the brightness and contrast.

She blushed a little and revealed about her passion in the field of natural photography. 

"I am actually doing my majors in botany but I also love to click photos of those plants about which I have studied."

This new information made me curious about her, even more.

"What else you love to do?", I asked curiously and she shot her brow. Oh right! Miss Hothead is back.

"Great! I never told strangers about my love for photography and here I even showed you my best shots of the day. I am definitely going crazy.", I heard her whispering which made me gape at her.

"Strangers? Excuse me Miss, you have spent one entire day with me, even have danced with me and has punished me at many instances when I was not at so much fault. But still I am a stranger to you. Glad to hear that.".

"Such a dramaqueen you are!", She rolled her eyes and stood up, cleaning her back.

I sighed and followed her with the umbrella and watched her lips twitching into an amusing smile. Maybe, I manage to impress her?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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