The Eventful Breakfast

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As pleasant Ishani was in my dreams, she is just as savage in real. Everyone considers her a naive innocent girl. But I know her true face.

Her parents had gone out to meet one of their friend and thus she was left alone here, since Riddhima and Vansh Bhai too had already left for hospital.

"Hey Ishani. Be like you are at home.", It were my mom's words. And that's how it all began.

I was sitting right in front of her and she was smirking. I don't know if it was a mere coincidence or a strategy of hers, but she was serving all those dishes in her plate which I wanted to eat.

I forwarded my hand towards sandwich and before I could take it Ishani grabbed it and started munching it.

Not only her, everyone was taking those dishes, leaving nothing but a plate full of sprouts for me. God! They know how much I hate sprouts, still!

When a last dish was left, I pounced on it and thankfully nobody snatched it from me. Alas, it was just one piece left and I had no choice but to eat some sprouts too.

Halfheartedly, I grabbed the spoon which was lying in front when I felt a sharp object at the back of my hand. I glanced upward and found Ishani poking a fork over my hand.

I gulped and quickly grabbed the spoon. I started eating the sprouts when Badi Mom said those words which choked me to hell.

"Would you like to tell us now, why were you pestering Ishani, yesterday?"

Oh yeah, I was pestering her. Right! As if she hasn't done anything.

With an innocent look I stared Badi Mom who glared me. Even before I could come up with a reply Ishani poked her nose, or actually 'made herself comfortable at home'.

"That's fine aunty. He was really following me whole night, throwing glares at me now and then. Also, forced me to dance with him. But still, that's fine. After all you all helped me to gave him punishment."

I just gaped at her. What a way to say 'It is fine'! And wait, punishment? And that's when I understood. They were all together, and have planned to just let me have this bowl of sprouts as breakfast.

I opened my mouth to retort back, but I felt someone kicking my leg under the table.

"I forgive you Aaryan, even before you apologize.", Ishani replied with a coy grin and it didn't took me a while to know who kicked me.

When I was about to defend myself, Mom grabbed my ear and twisted it roughly.

"Even now, you are not apologizing. Where are your manners?", She scolded me and I winced.

"Aahh.. I a-am Sorry I-Ishani.", I stuttered in pain and Mom dropped her hands when I finished my words. Ishani just shot me a victorious smirk and I scowled.

"And that's an eventful breakfast!", I heard Angre whispering this to Siya, who giggled lightly.

Seriously, I could bet, I never had such an eventful breakfast in my life! Thanks Ishani, I thought sarcastically and as if reading my mind, she mouthed me 'There's more to it'.

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