The reply..

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Okay so- I felt like trying to include people who read this into the story, so, I guess if I see a way to include a comment I will!


Crowley was at his office, ranting to his plants about good leaf care, they were shaking as per usual.. when he heard a ping from his pc.. he walked over to it.. Twitter? 'How dumb..' he thought to himself, but he opened it anyway..

The notification was about a new post from @Fan_Of_Crowaphale
It read:

Book shops are so fun!! I just went to this new one called.. A.Z FELL AND Co. ! It's so cool! Though.. the schedule is sometimes hard to work by, it's fun trying to figure out when to—

He stopped reading. He had an alert set for anything to do with Aziraphale.. but when it comes to book tweets.. he felt like being a downer. So he replied to the tweet.
It read:

Only sad people go to bookshops! Why else would you want to read about some crappy book from crappy times? I'd rather just go rob a back or watch something online. Books are such a waste of time.

As he hit send, he couldn't help but wonder about this persons username.. he thought to himself.. 'What the fuck is a Crowaphale..?'
His thoughts were interrupted when he got a seemingly too quick of a response from the person.

Hey Crowley! People who aren't sad, like to go to bookshops because they like books as much as Aziraphale does!

He stared at the response.. the mention of Aziraphale for some reason preventing him from saying anything mean.. but then he wondered, how did they know his name? Like yeah, maybe he was super popular and so cool and stuff, but the account he was using.. it didn't have his name or any personal information on there.. maybe it was the overly mean comment about the bookshop? No..

He settled on the thought that the person was just a stalker and shut of the PC. It was getting late, he rarely slept but he did like to sabotage people walking by on the street.. so he got up and went to the window, opening it and resting against it, looking down on all the future sinners.. he smirked..


Aziraphale was sitting at his desk, reading the... book he bought that arrived earlier that... Crowley saw.. 'Oh dear..' his hands covered his face in embarrassment.. his face becoming redder than he thought was possible.. he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.. this wasn't very angel-like..! But.. part of him didn't care, he kept reading.. he knew it was a long shot and it probably wouldn't happen anyway, since Crowley was probably only teasing him and not being serious but.. if it did happen.. he wanted to at least know what he was doing!

So he kept reading.. becoming seemingly more flustered with every page.. He couldn't help but think about doing these.. things.. with the demon.. he pushed the book away from him, way to flustered to continue, trying to control these thoughts he was having..

He only managed to read 2 chapters. The book has 26. How is he going to cope with this?

He stood up, deciding it was time for bed.. like Crowley, he didn't need to sleep. Heck- neither of them needed to eat nor drink! But.. the angel enjoyed feeling human and wanted to fit in as much as possible while.. the demon just enjoyed the drinks I suppose. He couldn't care less about fitting in, as much as he liked it here on earth.. though he would never admit that.

So with that, Aziraphale went to sleep.


It was now 3:04 am and Crowley had just finished messing with people on the streets, this was because there was barely anyone around now.. so he walked away from his window and went to rant to his plants..

Though.. this rant was a little... unusual.. it started with how he was so bored and had nothing to do.. then to how he wished the angel was here so they could do something fun.. then he badmouthed the angel to try disguise his feelings... but then he found himself listing off all the qualities of Aziraphale that he liked and loved! With this realisation, although he found it difficult, he stopped talking about the angel.

But the time he was done with his rant it was 4:26 am.. such a long time to rant about someone.

He couldn't help but wonder what his angel was doing right now.. though.. he did suspect he was asleep since the angel wanted to fit in.. he could be up still, reading a book. But even if he was asleep, Crowley didn't mind seeing such a.. beauti- majesti- uh- ...familiar.. creature sleeping.. so with that, he snapped his fingers and appeared in the angels office.

He looked around to see the angel asleep in a pullout bed. He wondered why he didn't miracle himself home but he figured he didn't care, as long as he was content. He looked at the desk to see a seemingly out of place book.

Out of place in two ways.. 1. It was brand new, unlike the books here, the pages were bright and not dusty.. and 2. It seemed like it had been pushed away? It was closer to the end of the desk than to the middle or the chair..

So he picked it up.. he read the title..

'How to make love to—'

He stopped.. it was the same book from earlier!  He smirked a bit and began.. ugh.. reading.. where the angel left off. It couldn't be that bad a book of this holy figure was reading it..
A few words in and Crowley placed the book down.. already a little red in the face.. 'Why's angel reading.. THAT..?' He thought.. but then he remembered the title.. he had a crush? How.. pathetic.. Though.. Crowley, deep down, hoped it was him that the angel had fallen for.

"Hmn.." he turned around quickly to see the angel stirring from his sleep, he was just turning around when Crowley snapped his fingers, leaving the bookshop.


With that snap, now on his side facing the desk, he opened his eyes. Scanning the room but finding nothing.. he sat up, looking around.

He could've sworn that he heard a snap. He tried to convince himself that it was just his mind in his half asleep state but... he knew deep down that, angels and demons didn't get that half asleep state,  they weren't really asleep! Just.. supposedly really deep in thought.. this sent a little chill down the angels spine until he noticed..

The book had been moved..

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