Logan Edwards was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary mind. Although ordinary on the outside with her skinny arms and legs and her gorgeous dark brown hair, her aqua green eyes were another world. Just one look and you could see an entire universe, Ideas, emotions, everything just from a glimpse. She was an open book but only to those whom she saw fit to read her story. This skinny legged girl also had a dark side, a monster which no one new about something in her that could expose itself at any moment. On the outside ordinary but no one new that beneath those magical eyes a tortured soul was trying to break free and unleash itself upon the world…
It was a freezing cold day, a thick blanket clouded the sky, the wind screeched through the tree forcing what was left of the leaves to hit the hard pavement, it was Friday the last day of the week, What a beautiful ending to a dreadful week Logan thought as she skipped along. Little did she know that this is the beginning of her reckoning. She finally reached the rocky driveway that lead up to her house, what a horrid sight her house was, it was utterly dreadful, she climbed the creaky wooden stairs to her front door the noise alerted her parents of her presence. Instead of entering the house as she usually would, a voice told her to go the other way ,so she sprinted down the stairs and ran in the opposite direction of her house; confused as to what exactly she was doing she forced herself to a halt. She stood in the middle of the road; unsure of what to do she stood perfectly still. All she knew is that she didn’t want to be home and she wasn’t going to go home. Well to her it wasn’t home, although she had lovely parents, she despised her mother who always seemed to be happy, she had a cheery disposition that Logan found extremely unappealing. Her father was a tall fair haired man with a good heart always helping others, which is what angered her, two perfect parent what great expectations they placed upon her. She knew she would be better off never returning home again, being in that house hold seemed to over whelm her, it frustrated her and disturbed her mind. She had decided she was just going to walk, walk until she felt as though it was time to stop. She walked and walked her feet thudding hard against the tar covered roads. Soon enough she did not recognise her surroundings, the open fields where so mysterious, they had an eerie glow to them. Logan tilted her head towards the sky, she wondered what the time was, about eleven o’clock she thought to herself, maybe time for a sleep? She climbed the barb wire fence into one of the fields; she found a nice area of grass and flattened it out. Slowly her heavy eyelids closed and she soundly fell asleep. She awoke in the morning in unfamiliar surroundings, for a split second last night had escaped her memory. As she realised where she was she was curious to know what her parents were doing at this current moment, Were they sound asleep in their beds with not a care in the world? Or were they frantically searching for their missing fourteen year old daughter, she didn’t know and she didn’t care, she had never felt so free in her life. Unsure of what to do Logan kept walking. She could scarcely make out the trees and shrubs in the distance. Finally she reached a hill, she struggled to reach the top, but when she did stopped for a moment, gazing out at the rising sun she felt a sense of accomplishment. As she started down the hill she stared into the distance the sun arose over the trees, the dew on the wet grass sparkled like tiny balls of pure light. Suddenly Logan’s attention was draw to an interesting looking house. The rust stained roof creaked as the wind whistled through the single tree that stood near the house. The lifeless branches that scraped and taped on the roof made a loud noise. She stood there and stared at the house. Closer she moved, until she was almost on the front porch petrified not daring to enter she simply stood there extremely still. Suddenly she heard a noise, sirens in the distance, police sirens? Did her parents really go to all that trouble to attempt to find her, the sound was faint but it was still there eager to never return she forced herself inside the scary house. As she opened the door an unbelievable force filled her, an energy that had been inside her all along but was only now exposing its self. The door slammed and locked behind her, in shock she stood perfectly still. A smirk appeared on her face, a terrifying and throaty laugh escaped her body. A knock on the door interrupted that moment. She turned and unlocked the door allowing him to enter, it was a police officer; well-groomed he stepped into the house.

Tall Tales
CasualeThis is just a simple short story I wrote for an English assignment at school. I'm pretty nervous to be putting it up, but you gotta start somewhere, so leave comments and let me know what you think. I'm planning on adding more short stories to this...