(If you didn't know, when Lolly Speaks a text bubble pops up and what she says appaers in it.)
The TV in the Living room is on and it's playing a horror movie. Lolly is on the conner of the screen. She's sitting in a virtual chair, eating virtual popcorn.
Suddenly a jumpscare pops up and Lolly falls out of her chair and popcorn is sent everywhere on the screen.
Lolly gets up from behind the chair and she had a popcorn bucket on her head.
The TV is on a channel where people are dancing and Lolly is on the corner of the screen dancing.
TV:"Feel the burn."
Lolly says "I'm feeling the burn."
Lolly is hopping from TV to TV around the house and she makes it to the Yoga room and spots Bitty do more ninja stuff.
Bitty:"Ninja Master."
Lolly says "Ok then."
She then moves around the house more and she goes up stairs and goes into Gregory's room and he's on his computer watching youtube.
She hears Lolbit laughing down the hall and she goes over to Lolbit's room and sees them playing video games.
Lolbit:"Hahaha. How can someone be so bad. Hahahaha."
Lolly then moves over to Vanessa's room and she's sleeping.
Lolly then heads back down stairs and goes over to the living room and sees Freddy watching a movie.
Lolly is on her tablet and she's play Unhappy Birds.
Lolly says "These Birds are Unhappy
230 words
LOL of a Good Time (FNAF)
FanficLolbit, an old animatronic from the sister location brought to the PizzaPlex. They play games with the children and sometimes performs on stage. But what happens when Freddy and Lolbit glitch one night. I didn't know what to write for the descriptio...