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1. Who is primarily involved with the problem?

2. What is the conflict regarding your security or safety?

3. How is dysfunctional behavior an issue in the problem?

4. Has this person had similar problems in the past?

5. What steps must be taken to resolve this matter?

6. Are there situations you should avoid?

7. What effect do these problems have on your health?

8. What are the end results?

Family Problems for Torn




10 of Wands (Reversed)

9 of Pentacles (Reversed) World

7 of Swords

9 of Wands

8 of Swords

8 of Cups (Reversed)

6 of Wands (Reversed)

2nd position

3rd position 4th position 5th position 6th position 7th position 8th position


Question 1: Who is primarily involved with the problem?

Answer: 10 of Wands (Reversed). Tom feels he is canying heavy burdens at work and socially. All the people involved are family and Tom thinks he is trapped in the situation. He does not see any possi­ bility for changes at the present time. He spoke of the obstacles to any plans that are frustrating him.

Question 2: What is the conflict regarding your security or safety?

Answer: 9 of Pentacles (Reversed). Tom is realizing his lack of wisdom in money matters. He does not think the family backs him in his decisions but feels dependent now that his money is tied up in the fam­ ily business.

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