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There are sixteen Court cards. These cards refer topeople in your life and can indicate a relationship,members of your family, people at work, or relatives.They may also indicate "ideas" that are in yourthoughts. If the last card in a spread is a Court card itcan mean that someone else must make the final decision for you.KINGSAge 35 or older. Kings signify a father figure, authority, wisdom, and experience.QUEENSAge 35 or older. Queens signify a mother image. Sheis an authority figure and indicates maturity, nurturing, and understanding.Note: If a King or Queen is reversed in a spread, thecard may represent a negative person. Also, the Kingreversed may indicate a female of that card's particular corresponding astrological sign (positive ornegative). The Queen reversed may indicate a maleof that cards particular sign (positive or negative).KNIGHTSAge 25 to 40. Knights are messengers. When thecard is upright, it refers to a male or a positive message. The Knight of Swords, upright, is the exceptionand the message is not usually pleasant. This card reversed will indicate a female of that particular astrological sign.Introduction to Tarot 21PAGESAge 1 to 25. Pages represent children in various stagesof growth and inexperience. They can indicate messengers, schoolchildren, young adults, and assortedproblems. At times, a Page upright could denote amale and reversed, a female. In a reading it is sometimes difficult to say, "Do you have a son or daughter?"At times the Page indicates a feminine male child or astrong female child. The Pages can be deceptive!Divinatory MeaningsKING OF WANDSUpright: This King is independent, influential, andan authority figure. He is ambitious, with executivetalents and leadership qualities. He has good ideas.He is an Aries type.Reversed: This King is childish, dependent, and hasanti-social attitudes. He can be selfish and domineering-a petty tyrant.KING OF CUPSUpright: This King is emotional, loving, caring, andnurturing. A good family man when married. Heneeds to feel safe and secure in his professional andpersonal life. He is a Cancer type.Reversed: This King is cold, uncaring, and not nurturing. He can be untrustworthy in business or withrelationships. Potential to be ruthless and calculating.KING OF PENTACLESUpright: The King of Pentacles is a good financial22 How to Use Tarot Spreadsadviser, practical, and reliable. He is slow to angerbut can be very stubborn. Good in business, banking, and sales. He is a Taurus type.Reversed: This King is selfish, lazy, a speculator, andimpractical. He loves luxury, is sensual, and desirespleasure. He can be dishonest and his value judgment may be peculiar.KING OF SWORDSUpright: This King is a professional man, a lawyer, orin the military. This card can also indicate the querents need for a lawyer. He has mental dexterity andis a good counselor with lots of nervous energy. He isa Gemini type.Reversed: This King is fickle and superficial. He dissipates his energy. He is unkind, a gossip, and unstable.He rebels against authority. Potential loss in a lawsuit.QUEEN OF WANDSUpright: This Queen desires success in work and hersocial life. She is an authority figure-ambitious andego-driven. This Queen needs admiration and attention. Leo type female.Reversed: This Queen is domineering, demanding,and controlling at work and in social situations. Sheis unloving, lacks humor, and has a large ego. She canbe resentful, angry, and jealous. This Queen can beruthless.QUEEN OF CUPSUpright: This Queen speaks of love and her emotional needs. She is a good wife and mother, veryIntroduction to Tarot 23protective of her family. Sex is important to herwell-being. This Queen is intuitive, intense, andpowerful. A Scorpio type female.Reversed: This Queen is dishonest in love. Her emotions are drained due to a loss, separation, or anyother negative event. She has a terrible temper, likesintrigue, and can be jealous of others. Potential to beunfaithful.QUEEN OF PENTACLESUpright: Making money is the focus for this Queen.She is an idealist and perfectionistic. She also hascritical views. This is harvest time after much labor.This Queen works with health issues. Potential forpregnancy. Gifts from family. Sexual focus. Virgo typefemale.Reversed: This Queen is a spendthrift and lazy. Sheis a superficial friend, lacks confidence, and is judgmental. She feels imperfect and limits her prosperity.Physical and material focus.QUEEN OF SWORDSUpright Problems and troubles are the focus for thisQueen. She represents a divorced woman or awidow. This Queen is strong-willed, sharp-tongued,and temperamental. She desires a relationship. Legalproblems may confront her. She must make decisions. A libra type female.Reversed: This Queen has problems and troubles butdoes not wish to see them. She fears divorce or separation. Her sexual needs drive her to a relationship.The Queen is not always open or honest.24 How to Use Tarot SpreadsKNIGHT OF WANDSUpright: This messenger brings information regardingwork and social activities. Good news concerning thejob, planning a trip, or a change of residence. Newinterests, glad tidings. Leo type energy. Time to shine.Reversed: The messenger does not arrive or the newsis not positive. Some delays causing frustration anddepression. Expectations not fulfilled.KNIGHT OF CUPSUpright: Positive messages regarding love and emotional needs. The Knight brings new informationabout a birth, invitation to a party or wedding. TheKnight is a loving, sensual, and sexual person. Scorpio type energy. Travel Plans.Reversed: Messages concerning love did not arrive.Invitations, notices of marriages, or birth announcements were not received. An emotional drain involving relationships, friendships, or family. Some loss ora separation.KNIGHT OF PENTACLESUpright: Messages regarding finances are received.Good news about an inheritance, real estate, or othervaluables. This Knight shows good health and vitality. He enjoys material possessions and sensual pleasures. He has many desires. Taurus type energy.Money used for good times.Reversed: Messages about money not received orpositive. Lack of financial well-being. Delays. Povertyminded. Being lazy, indulgent, and over-sexed causesnegative experiences in life.Introduction to Tarot 25KNIGHT OF SWORDSUpright: This messenger brings news of problemsand troubles. These messages may relate to you personally or others close to you. Rage, anger, and frustration are in the message. Mental aggression maycause physical problems. Aquarius-type energy.Think positively.Reversed: Messages of problems or troubles mayhave gone astray. Messages concerning invitations,notices of marriage or birth, or love did not arrive.Travel plans. The Knight is dose-minded and unreliable. Lacking discrimination in dealing with others.Wild accusations. The focus may be too physicalrather than mental. Some loss or a separation. ThisKnight refers to the "mental" plane and they canspout and sputter but with very little result. It canmean "all talk and no action."PAGE OF WANDSUpright: This Page is eager to experience work andsocial life. He or she desires freedom, is headstrong,a wanderer. This Page has great expectations andsome luck from the gods. Travel, foreign people, andphilosophy are some of their needs. Sagittarius typeenergy.Reversed: This Page can be lazy, immoral, and refuseto work. He or she can be fickle, faithless, cruel, andextravagant. The Page can be a gossip and a betrayerof confidences.26 How to Use Tarot SpreadsPAGE OF CUPSUpright: This Page refers to love and emotions. Heor she has psychic abilities and is creative. They canbe healers. The Page brings good news concerninglove relationships, parties, marriages, and births.Pisces type energy.Reversed: A lack of love and an emotional drain isseen with this Page. He or she has great expectationswhich may not be fulfilled. Unhappy news regardinga relationship. Potential for emotional abuse. Notusing creative talents.PAGE OF PENTACLESUpright: This Page desires money. This is the card ofthe scholar. He or she wants financial security, topursue a career, become a professional, and make itto the top. They are ambitious, materialistic, and traditional. Desire for gain. Capricorn type energy. Education will help.Reversed: This Page is not interested in work orschool and will not set goals. They are lazy, selfish,greedy, and desire the easy life. The messages from thisPage are not positive and can refer to health matters.PAGE OF SWORDSUpright: This Page refers to problems and troubles.He or she desires new and novel experiences. Newknowledge and many friendships. This Page is extroverted, naive, and unconventional. This person ismotivated by concern for others. Aquarius typeenergy. Be aware of self.Introduction to Tarot 27Reversed: Problems and troubles descend on thisPage due to his or her lack of attention. Friendshipsand relationships may not be too important to thisPage. They are apt to be anxious, introverted, andparanoid. 

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