Pre Novel Test Page

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This is probably the first piece of writing I did for the idea in my head that eventually become the GAIA saga. There would be few things in here that didn't end up changed, but I thought it might be fun to add this here since I happenned upon it.

G.A.I.AWing-commander Dirk Clarkson's heart almost stopped as a Zorgfighter blurred passed his cockpit, its thruster boosters blazing afiery green.

Instinctivelyshifting his flight control stick, the normally level headedstar-fighter pilot paused. He was about to engage deflector shieldsand transmit a communiqué to his base ship, the Rail Gun Frigate,'Melbourne'.

His co-pilot, whosat immediately behind him in the crammed cockpit of theirSamhain-Fire Star-fighter, sensing his unusual indecisiveness voicedher thoughts. 'Dirk,' shouted Navigation officer Kelly Brooke,blowing away a stray lock of blonde hair that had fallen across herface, 'what's up? Didn't you just see that bogey zip by?' sheexclaimed.

Dirk smiled as hervoice crackled within the confines of his flight helmet, 'Kellyhoney, I don't know about you, but I'm up for a dog fight!' Punching the stick, he and Kelly were immediately slammed into theback of their seats as their fighter launched forward with ferociousacceleration.

Though the inertialdampeners were slowly alleviating much of the G-Forces, there wassimply no perfect system to be had for a machine that could approachalmost 0.8 light -speed.

Though it was astruggle, Kelly forced her lungs to work. 'Are you crazy?' sheyelled, 'we are the advanced scout! Observe and report, remember?'

Dirk laughed,'Observe this baby!' he exclaimed as he snatched back his flightstick bringing their fighter immediately behind what had seemed anun-pursuable enemy fighter.

Depressing two switches oneither side of his flight stick, Dirk laughed even as the pair ofnuclear rockets he had just launched sped towards the stillthundering Zorg fighter.

Kelly now concentrating onher Ladar-screen called out excitedly, 'You got a lock on! Rocketsare looking good Dirk, impact in three, two-'

Dirk winced as Kellyscreamed in delight. Their cockpit was flooded by the sensationallight show of two nuclear rockets exploding upon, and utterlydestroying the Zorg fighter. He then smiled, satisfaction ebbingthroughout every pore of his skin.

'That's how we humansroll Zorgo!'

Even as she laughed,Kelly's expressions of glee turned suddenly into those of terror.

Hearing her sharpintake of breath, Dirk voiced his concern, 'Kelly?'

'Oh my God Dirk,' shewhispered, 'Bogeys! Bogeys everywhere! Ten, twenty, no thirty, Ohmy God, a carrier, and three destroyer class boats.'

'Huh, that'simpossible! They're not even meant to be in this sector of-'

Dirk's jaw droppedas the reported enemy swept nefariously into view, they werecompletely surrounded...

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