Lu Lu Lemonbear {Chapter Two}

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"Is that daddy? Do you wanna go see daddy?" Nat said as she placed her four-year-old on the ground lightly.

"Daddy!" Luna yelled as she ran into her father's arms.

"Hey, Lu Lu Lemonbear, how's my princess?" Steve asked kissing his daughter on the nose.

"Good!" She said with a smile on her face as she looked lovingly at her dad.

"Do you want breakfast sweetpea?" Natasha asked rubbing the little girl's back slightly to provide her comfort.

"Cheerios?" The toddler asked as she held her pink my little pony teddy.

"Of course hun." The assassin said kissing Luna on the head before making her way to the fridge and grabbing some milk and a juice box as Steve settled the squirmy toddler into her high chair.

"Hey baby." Said a redhead as she entered the room in a back t-shirt with a flannel over the top paired with some jeans.

"Hey Wands." Nat said before giving her girlfriend a kiss.

"How's my baby girl?" Wanda said making her way over to the blonde who was still sitting in her high chair and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi momma!" Luna said watching her Mom pour milk into her cereal.

"God, you guys wake up so early," Kate said as she slowly walked around the corner into the living room. "Can you guys try and be a little quiet for the next few mornings? Le's still adjusting to life here, back when she and I lived at my mother's penthouse she always woke up first but I'm a light sleeper and I heard you guys talking." The brunette who was still in her sleepwear said as she moved around to sit opposite Wanda.

"You know, it's really cute you care about me so much," Yelena said from the end of the hallway.

"Hey, you should be asleep, go back to bed," Kate said getting up and brushing a piece of the girl's fine blonde hair behind her ear.

"No, I'm ok, plus I could go for some of your famous Yoda waffles." Yelena said with her thick Russian accent.

"One Yoda waffle coming up!" Kate said as she walked over the kitchen and Nat placed her daughters' breakfast in front of the toddler.

"Thanks, you know I can't wait for my first Christmas with more than one lousy present from Kate." The blonde said sitting down with a sigh.

"Hey!" Kate said setting down the waffle maker at the kitchen bench. "I try hard on those gifts!"

"Kate, a Pizza dog Christmas ordainment is not a gift!" Yelena said turning around to face her best friend.

"You love little little Cesar." The brunette said grabbing the waffle mix.

"That's true I do." She said turning back around to face Wanda.

Seeing that Luna was done with her cereal Nat picked her daughter up out of her high chair and placed her on her hip.

"Wanna go sit with Momma?" The Russian asked her daughter as they walked over to the set of couches.

"Hey, sweets." Wanda said reaching out for the blonde.

Wanda placed the girl in her lap and gave her a small tickle making Luna laugh.

During all of this Rodgers, just kind of sat there, not interacting because it made him slightly uncomfortable to see Wanda and Nat bonding over Luna, not because they were a couple but because he wanted to be Luna's dad, to be present in her life. And it really just felt like Nat was pushing him away.

He loved his daughter more than anything, anyone at that, and he really did love that everyone here was so supportive, that she had her Moms, her Aunty Lena, and Aunty Kate but it just felt like he never got time with her, like she wasn't his daughter, more a child he had to take care of.

But then again, he also knew that she loved her daddy a lot and that that wasn't going to change.

After a few hours, everyone was out of their rooms, everyone was chatting, having a good time, Morgan and Luna were playing together, talking about unicorns and popcorn.

Kate and Yelena were cuddled in each other's embrace like they always were.

Steve and Tony sat opposite each other, both keeping close eyes on their daughters.

Wanda and Nat cuddled up on the opposite side of the couch from the two youngest avengers, who were both given the title subconsciously by the Avengers when they had come back from the theatre and had been told about it when Nat and Yelena had met again.

MJ, Ned, and Peter all laughing with each other over a funny video Ned had found.

All the Bartons sitting together, Lila and Cooper arguing over who was a better basketball player.

Everyone was relaxing when they heard FRIDAY's voice, catching everyone's attention.

"Mr. Stark, the gym has been set up as you requested and is open for the training day." FRIDAY said.

"Training day?" Wanda asked as Nat fiddled with her hair.

"Oh yeah, everyone needs to be in the gym in 15 minutes, with all the new recruits I gathered you could all use some training."

"What about us? What do we do?" MJ asked, aware that she and Ned were living in the compound but wouldn't be in the field.

"Oh, I don't care. Do whatever but don't break anything most of this stuff is priceless." Stark said getting up from the couch and turning to address everyone.

"You've got," Tony checked his watch, "11 minutes to be in training."

Everyone slowly stood up, Steve grabbing Luna and Pepper grabbing Morgan.

"I'll put her D-O-W-N," Steve said to Nat, spelling out the word so that Luna wouldn't know she was about to have a nap.

"Thanks," Nat said with a smile before turning and following Wanda to their room.

Everyone headed back to their rooms and got changed.

Kate in her bedroom.

Yelena in hers.

Wanda and Nat in their bedroom, not bothering to go into separate rooms given it wasn't like they hadn't seen each other naked before.

Tony was already ready given he knew this was coming so he put on his sneakers and headed to the gym.

Peter in his suit without his hood because he didn't see the point in wearing it.

Eventually, they all made their way to the training gym and got ready for a hard day of training.

~1205 words~


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