Schedule! {Chapter Four}

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Hey y'all! Just letting you know that I have a posting schedule that I plan to be following for at least the next month or two!
Saturday: 2 Chapters Minimum
Sunday: 2-3 Chapters
Monday-Friday: 1-2 Chapter(s)

This is a rough idea of how much I'll be posting this means you'll get Minimum 5 chapters a week and 7-8 max!

I'll let you guys know if I'm going off the schedule (posting less than above) but otherwise we should be good! I've got some great ideas and I think I could take these story lines some amazing places!

ALSO please let me know what you think about me doing Social Media (Insta, Snap, Text ect.) chapters!

Please leave comments and vote for the chapters already up! it really helps boost the book and I am SO GRATEFUL for everything so far and can not wait to take this further!

Love you all
(oooo name reveal)

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