I don't care how many nightmares you have {Chapter Five}

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a/n: This isn't key now but it will be later, I have decided to not make Yelena Aroace but more as a girl who is afraid of commitment and scared sexually because of her past. I'll explain this more in this chapter.

As Nat and Wanda cuddled up in the warmth of the fire, in the next room over no one could have know what was going to happen.

Yelena shot up and out of Kate's warm embrace hyperventilating and sweating.

Her nightmares had calmed down but they had started back up again when she and Kate moved into the compound.

"Lena?" Kate said stirring slowly.

Realising what was happening the girl turned her closest friend to face her.

"Can I touch you?" Kate asked, wanting to make sure she wasn't going to just make things worse.

Yelena nodded and Kate slid in behind the girl.

The archer wrapped one arm around Yelena's shoulders and the other hand pulled her head into Kate's chest.

"You're ok, I've got you." Kate said pulling the scared assassin in and holding her close.

"They're coming Kate." Yelena said, the fear in her voice making Kates spine shiver, she hated seeing her best friend like this.

"No, they're not, I'll protect you." Kate said only holding the Russian girl tighter.

This wasn't the first time Kate had comforted her best friend.

After her first night, Yelena was barely able to look Kate in the eye until Kate sat her down and asked what was going on.

Then she told her everything, from the red room and being pushed to have friendships, even relationships between the girls to being controlled and everything in between.

"I've got you, Lena. I don't care how many nightmares you have I'll always be here." She reminded the girl.

Yelena eventually fell asleep in Kate's arms, still stressed but asleep non the less.

She woke up against Kate's warm stomach with 3 blankets piled on top of her.

The blonde moved around to lay on her side and hug Kate's arm that was on top of her side.

She took a deep breath in, engulfing the smell of Kate's perfume, a comforting smell, like home almost.

Yelena adjusted herself a little and fell back asleep.

Kate then woke up a few hours later at around 7:30, when she saw the girl holding her arm she was reluctant to move but she wanted to run her a bath to help calm her down. The years they had known each other Kate had come pretty experienced with how to help Lena after a rough night.

She carefully slid her arm out of the girl's light grip and slowly moved away as to not wake the blonde.

The archer tiptoed over to the ensuite bathroom that accompanied her bedroom.

She bent down and grabbed some bath salts and bubble bath, one of the few things she had brought with her to the compound. 

She ran the bathwater for a good few minutes until the bath was half full and added the salts and bubble bath.

She then continued to run the water until it was as full as she knew the Russian liked.

Kate turned the tap off and walked back into the bedroom.

She leaned down to the blonde's level and brushed a hair off her face.

"Lena baby, it's time to wake up." She whispered to the sleeping girl

"Huh? Kate?" Yelena questioned, stirring slowly.

"I ran you a bath, it's waiting for you in the bathroom," Kate said with a smile.

"Thank you, Kate," Yelena said before Kate gave her a small kiss on the forehead which brought a sensation over her body, like- butterflies almost.

Kate walked out of the girl and Yelena slowly got out of bed and into the bathroom before stripping and hopping into the warm bath that was already prepared.

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