Chapter 7 ~ Day 1

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When we were all ready I got a text from Aidan (the kid in the middle is Aidan and I'm on the right and the kid on the left is Ryan) to meet up with him and his roommate at our Starbucks on campus before classes start. I'm kinda nervous to meet his roommate so I bring Jayde with me I mean what girl doesn't love Starbucks! (actually I've never had Starbucks so i cant say i like it or don't but i probably will when i go to college lol) When I get there me and Jayde go inside and order our drinks and meet up with Aidan outside. About 10 minutes later I see Aidan walking with a boy that looks really familiar I just can't seem to put my finger on it...I GOT IT!!
"I can't believe HE is your roommate!"
Sorry for the short chapter...and cliff hanger but u know #dealwithit I've had the Drama production at my school the last two days and rehearsals till 6 on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I also have it tomorrow night so if your reading this and u go to my school...GO SEE IT TOMORROW! ITS AT 4! $12 A TICKET!!!! Anyway at 100 reads i'll throw in a special chapter and I'll answer questions you may have so comment if you do! enough of my rant...update tomorrow morning! Bye xxx

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