Chapter 1 ~ My friends

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Hi. I'm Shaynah. Your probably wondering what's happening. Well lets just start with this. I made a horrible mistake I don't ever want to do again. I got my best friends at my side that I was hoping would protect me but suddenly backed out on me. I think we can start there.

First is Amelia. She has been by my side since first grade. Her brother and my brother are friends too so it makes it all better. We would go weekend after weekends in a row seeing each other. Then after high school she got that college scholarship in London and I haven't seen her since. She used to live down the street but now she's perusing her Vet dreams. I'm happy for her but I wish we didn't lose contact.

Caitlin. Best friends since kindergarten. She was always in the the cool kids through middle school and high school. We always did everything together because she lived next door to me. Amelia, Caitlin and I always got together on the weekends. Sometimes at Caitlin's house, sometimes mine, sometimes Amelia's. Caitlin then got a great offer to play basketball for a team in California. We keep in touch sometimes but she is always busy with her on growing basketball career.

Last is Amy. She is always SUPER smart and SUPER perfect. She can pretty much do anything. Teachers always loved her, people always liked her, ANIMALS even like her. She is also really great at doing hair and nail art and her nail art career took off in seventh grade when she put nail art picture on instagram. She had over 600 followers. I always knew she would do big things one day which turned out to be true. Now she is at Yale and in her spare time she goes to hospitals to paint sick girls nails. I'm so proud of her. Sometimes i got with her to help paint nails. I mean i can do it I just can't do the amazing art she does.

That's pretty much it. Duh i have more friends but that would take me forever to explain. Now we can start the story part.

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