Under the Pale Moonlight

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Lights. Music. Alcohol.

Bodies against each other dancing to the music. It's just a typical night for Hwang Yeji. She's partying with her friends for the third time this week.

"BEST NIGHT EVER!" her friend Lia screamed making them laugh.

"You said that last night," Chaeryeong responded as she hits her back hard. They're drunk.

Yeji is just dancing to the music, holding her glass and seem to not hear anything. She's vibing with Yuna who's still not drunk after all the shots she'd taken. She's the youngest yet she has the highest alcohol tolerance.

A guy then approached the group and stopped in front of Yeji. He matched her pace dancing as Yeji started to acknowledge his presence. She let him put his hands on her waist as she put her arms on his shoulders. They swayed to the music till the guy leaned on and tried to kiss her.

Yeji used all her strength to not let that kiss happen. She pushed the guy away as her friends told him to go as well.

"Yeji unnie, i think you need to stop drinking already," Yuna said to Yeji, worried.

"Why? I'm still not drunk,"

"Unnie--" the girl couldn't finish since Lia suddenly jumped on her back.

"Yuna, if I'm drunk maybe i already...let that...guy kiss me,"

Yuna let out a sigh. 'ah seriously Yeji unnie.' she thought.

Lia suddenly started laughing for unknown reasons making the other girls laugh as well. They then went in with the crowd as they jumped, danced and screamed with their lungs out.

They're wasted.

Another hour passed till the girls decided to go home. Yuna insisted to drive since the owner of the car is now sleeping. Choi Jisu.

"Ah!" Chaeryeong exclaimed as she put down Lia on her seat.

Meanwhile, Yuna is busy dealing with Yeji's sudden Korean lessons. She just keep nodding at what her unnie says because when she tried to ignore her, she got hit on the head. Hard.

"Yuna, Yuna-ya, okay now what is yadong?"

The cat-eyed girl was serious in asking Yuna that question. She looks like a mom trying to teach her kid with a frown on her face.

"Ugh please, Yeji unnie..." she said frustratedly making Chaeryeong chuckle on the side.

"Drink this," she then gave Yeji a bottle of water which Yeji drink right away.

Yuna let out another sigh as she started driving. Chaeryeong is the only one awake but is also dizzy making them stay quiet.

They've reached Yeji's street after minutes of driving. Chaeryeong is shaking her trying to wake her up.

"Go slap her," Yuna jokingly said.

"Yeji, Hwang Yeji! HWANG HWANG HWANG--" Chaeryeong spoke trying to sound like a siren.

Yeji finally woke up.

"What????" the girl asked panicking. Her cat-eyes were widened as the two other girls started laughing.

Yeji then realized she's at her place after seeing the outside. She groaned as a reaction to her friends who won't stop laughing.

"Bye Yeji unnie!"

"Take care guys," she told them as she waved her hand.

"Chat in the gc when you're home okay?" Chaeryeong reminded her.

She just watched them go. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath feeling the cold air. She doesn't feel dizzy anymore but her head is aching a bit. She opened her eyes and saw how beautiful the night sky is.

She crossed the road carefully and decided to stop by a convenience store. Yeji needs coffee. A cold one.

One hand on her pocket, she started walking towards her street. She was walking alone with just the streetlights and a few cars passing by. She was about to turn to her street when she saw a figure on the other side of the road. At the bridge.

Yeji threw the coffee can and started running towards the girl. She then pulled her back using all the strength she has and they both fell down the ground.

"Miss!" she yelled at the girl who's shocked by everything happened.

They both remained staring at each other, both surprised to see each other's faces. Yeji can't help but to gulp seeing this black haired girl with those pretty brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asked the girl.

"Y-yeah," answered the girl who's still frowning at Yeji.

Yeji was a bit surprised hearing her deep voice. She stood up and then offered her hand to the girl. The girl held it and stood up as well.

Awkward silence.

"Uhm, p-please don't do that again." Yeji told her full of worry.

"I will stay with you. You can tell me about it--" she stopped speaking after she saw the girl just staring at her. "I'm sorry,"

"I'm Hwang Yeji," she said again, introducing herself.

"Uhm, it's okay if you won't tell me--ah fuck now you're not a stranger to her, you're supposed to be one..." and again she didn't continue realizing she said her thoughts out loud. 'be a stranger because sometimes it's easier for people to open up' that's what she thought.

Yeji bit her lip feeling embarrassed by how she acted. She glanced at the girl who's now looking away. She can see every feature she has despite the pale moonlight.

"Thank you," the girl finally spoke.

She started walking away leaving Yeji stunned. Yeji realized what's happening so she started following her. They're walking side by side quietly.

"Miss, i appreciate you be--"


They both looked at the girl who shouted. She's waving at the girl called 'Ryu'.

"Again, thank you," the black-haired girl said to Yeji and bowed to her.

She then crossed the road to meet the girl who called her. Yeji wanted to shout and ask her what she was gonna say earlier but she couldn't.

"I hope you feel better soon!" she shouted instead.

The next thing Ryu did left her frozen again, with her heart beating faster. The girl smiled at her.

She just watched the two walked away. The girl seemed to be scolding Ryu by the way they act. Yeji started to wonder what's her relationship with her. She started to wonder why did she try to jump off that bridge.


For once, Yeji became interested in ones life.


For once, I'll use 3rd person's POV kekekeke

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