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"What should i wear?" Ryujin asked herself in front of the mirror.

She's getting ready for Yeji's party. It's been a year since she went to one.

She opened the door when she heard knocks. Aggressive ones. It was her cousin, Karina. She moved in with her three months ago after she finally decided to let go.

To let go of someone.

"Help me," she told her cousin.

"Date?" Karina asked her. She shook her head.

"A party," she answered.

"Oh wow,"

Karina went to check her wardrobe to pick an outfit for Ryujin. Ryujin just laid down the bed waiting for her cousin to give her the clothes.

She was thinking about what could happen later as her hand unconsciously went to her collar slowly tracing her scar. She took a deep breath.

That scar was left by her ex. A reminder she wants to get rid of from the toxic past she had. She was once in an abusive relationship.

She's the only woman she loved, and spent 4 years together with her. It was all going great till they both graduated and things started to change. As the woman, started to change for the worse. It was a living hell for Ryujin, who did nothing but understand her girlfriend thinking she just needed support. Thinking everything would eventually settle down.

(TW: Abuse, Self-harm)

"I'm sorry love," the woman apologized for the nth time. Ryujin just hugged her tightly as she tried to calm her down.

She put down the blade her girlfriend used to cut her wrists. It's not the first time she arrived at their house and saw her girlfriend hurting herself.

"Sshh, I'm here now,"

Weeks has passed when she arrived home again, a bit late due to work. She tried to talk sense to her girlfriend but she won't listen and they ended up fighting. Her girlfriend constantly hit her as she tried to comfort her. Ryujin never fought back and just let her woman settle down. She thought it was her fault and she understands her partner. That's the first time she got a scratch on her face caused by her girl.

Things have worsened over time. Ryujin was tired from all of it but she couldn't leave her. Everytime they fight, her girl would hit her. Everytime she tries to end it, her girlfriend would try to harm herself or try to turn the tables. Ryujin believed everything and doubted herself everytime.

Ryujin couldn't take the thought of her love taking her own life, because of her.

Till one night, she arrived home and saw her girlfriend pointing a knife on her chest. Ryujin immediately ran to her and used all her strength to take the knife away. It ended where she was accidentally wounded by her girl.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I'm..."

They're both crying. Ryujin was feeling physical pain but she knew it was nothing than the pain she's feeling emotionally, and mentally.

She was brought to the hospital that late night. The next day, her girlfriend came to break up with her. Ryujin felt even more heartbroken, seeing her long-time girlfriend go.

She was alone in the hospital for days till she got discharged. She was alone in her house and was wasted for weeks.

A few months have passed when she knew that her ex was already dating someone else. And the worse part? It's a guy. She was drowning in her own thoughts, blaming herself for everything happened. She wanted to turn back time, back when they were not too busy. She still hasn't realized how the girl gaslighted her for months.

Months have passed when she got contacted by her cousin, Karina. She agreed to move in with her as she wanted a new start. In those times, she realized all the shitty things happened and finally moved on.

But having that experience, it was hard for her to love again. It's the fear that's not leaving her till now.


Ryujin sat down on bed to see what Karina got for her.

She didn't tell Karina that she's going to Yeji, the girl from the bridge. She wanted to make sure first if it would go well before she tells her cousin. The friendship. She isn't expecting nor feeling anything about leveling up her relationship with the girl.


Ryujin was feeling uneasy seeing Yeji's house and the people partying. It's been so long since she was out to interact with people like this.

She found Yeji on the side and approached her. She stopped her from drinking another shot and spoke,


Her heart is beating fast, amazed at Yeji's beauty. She can't help but to stare down her lips. For Ryujin, Yeji's eyes would always catch your attention but looking at her lips, it's her best feature.

They stayed there for a while, talking about small things. Another thing she likes about Yeji is the sound of her laugh.

Yeji on the other hand can't help but to stare at Ryujin's dimples when she smiles. The next thing she knew, she tried to touch them making Ryujin flinch.

"I'm sorry," she worriedly apologized.

"It's okay,"

Ryujin chuckled and calmed herself down. 'She won't hurt you,' she convinced herself as she let Yeji poke her dimples.

Yeji is smiling widely making Ryujin smile more. They both giggled when they realized what they were doing. Just poking dimples.

Yeji then invited her to go with her friends. They both walked quietly with no one wanted to speak.

"Eyyyy she's here," Yuna greeted Yeji as they caught some people's attention.

"Guys, this is Ryujin, Ryujin these are Chaeryeong and Yuna," Yeji introduced the three as they exchanged smiles.

"Ahhh you're so pretty Ryujin unnie," Yuna told her.

Ryujin felt shy. It's been a while since she received a compliment from a stranger.

"Lee Chaeryeong, give me that plate~"

Yeji's happy mood was evident just by the tone of her voice. She's happier than ever now that Ryujin is here. She know she likes her already and yes, she wants her to be her girlfriend.

A girl named Ryu || Ryeji AUWhere stories live. Discover now