Love is hard (especially when it's not yours)

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'I hate this so much.'

Kunimi had been wandering around the school for the past half hour. Not only had they lost to Karasuno in the practice match that day, but he also had the misfortune to have to face the King playing once again. The fact that Kageyama looked like he had gotten himself a partner in crime that could keep up with his crazy demands, as well as a supportive team only irked him even more.

Especially the fact he had an upperclassman on his side that didn't seem to be giving him grief for taking over his spot as the regular setter, but that had even encouraged him for the whole game. He felt this was absolutely undeserved, especially compared to his own situation, where a not even second string senior had tried to shame him and Kindaichi for being on the first string already, despite being first years.

' At least he deserved some asshole for a senpai to make him feel awful about that, but no, not even that. Fucking lucky King, he has it all.'

He finally found a spot behind the school, where some benches were. He used this spot all the time as a last resort, as it had a perfect view over the entrance of the school and especially the backyard. Oh, the backyard. Kunimi had been only in his second month of high school and he had already witnessed enough confessions under those trees that he started keeping a little book about how many times certain seniors were confessed to. Oikawa Tooru was definitely leading his list, having had over five confessions just in the past month.

He was so used to seeing the head full of brown hair being the one accepting letters and making people stand up from deep bows to plead him to return their feelings, that the scene in front of him didn't register into his brain immediately.

This time, it was Oikawa bowing, his captain was the one bashfully pleading for an answer. In front of him, there was the very same supportive senior that encouraged and smiled at Kageyama, a smile that could only suit either someone who faked being nice, or a literal saint. Kunimi was inclined to think that the upperclassman was being false, as there was no way he could be genuinely happy about the King taking his place, but he was quickly doubting his own judgement.

The silver haired was telling Oikawa to stand up, to not bow so deeply for him. He smiled shyly, presumably accepting the confession as Oikawa's face immediately lit up and hugged him, before jumping back and looking like he had just won the gold at the Olympics.

He watched them mess with their phones for a while, before them going in opposite directions and Oikawa rushing to meet Karasuno's team that was packing up to leave at the school's gate. Kunimi noticed that both Oikawa and Kageyama's senpai acted like they didn't know each other, which baffled him to no end.

His brain could only helpfully supply him with one exclamation.

"What the actual fuck was that?!"


Kunimi was shocked.

In his whole 15 years of being alive, he had never been as confused as he was feeling at the moment. His mind was subjected to a continuous storm of thoughts, asking himself how it could be possible that his captain, the school's idol for crying out loud, could be that embarrassed and swoon by his own feelings. The same captain that he watched as a first year in Kitagawa Daiichi, witnessing his cold blooded strategies and pure fury on the court, subjects that for sure dominated the brunette's mind more than anything else.

Love is hard (especially when it's not yours)Where stories live. Discover now