Chapter 2

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The next day I was excited to wake up and go see Ricky before they had to leave tonight.

I walked over to his room and knocked lightly on the door. He didn't answer but I could hear his music so I knew he was awake. I pushed open the door and peered inside, spotting an angry-looking Ricky on the phone.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked quietly, he shooed me away with his hand. I gave him a weird look but left the room anyways and headed downstairs to find Chris.

"Hey, what's up with Rick?" I asked

"I'm not sure, why?"

"He looked really mad just now on the phone," I admitted

"Ah, probably just his girlfriend, she's been nagging him lately because he hasn't brought her over in a couple of weeks now," He told me

"Why, what's up?" He asked

"He kissed me yesterday," I said before walking up to my room and locking the door behind me,

I changed into a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a plain black hoodie and my vans, before grabbing my phone and headphones. I crawled out of my window after I threw my skateboard onto the lawn below.

I grabbed my board and ran a few blocks down. I threw the board onto the road and jumped on, skating further away as I picked an album to listen to and put my phone in my pocket, plugging the headphones into the phone and my ears.

As the day went on and it began to get dark out, I just kept skating. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I just wanted to be away from Ricky.

I smirked as I reached into the pocket of my hoodie, pulling out a black beanie that did indeed belong to Mr. Olson. He would certainly be missing this on tour. Oh well, sucks to be him. I should be doing a lot worse than this considering he not only led me on but did so while having a girlfriend. I should tell her he's a cheater, but as bad as it sounds I don't want to lose Ricky forever.

Did I feel childish for leaving over this? Maybe. But did I have to? I think so. For me.

Chris's POV

I stormed up into Ricky's room and slammed open the door, practically forcing him to hang up the call; not that I cared if whoever was on the phone heard the conversation.

"What the fuck, Chris?" He spat out,
"Yeah, what the fuck Rick? You tell me." I threw at him
A puzzled look grew across his face as he stood up straighter, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you kissing someone we all care about, someone that you know I like, while you have a girlfriend, not to mention you didn't even tell her about Jane." I paused to breathe.
"I'm going to go talk to her, and if she's not okay I'm going to kick your ass Ricky." I spat and left the room. I headed towards Violet's room and noticed Vinny was already standing outside of it. Okay?
"Hey. Is she in there? I saw her come up the stairs. Ricky messed up big time, Vin." I said softly in case she was in there, but Vinny just shook his head and looked up at me.

"That's not the worst part Chris. The doors locked," he said before glancing to the side and jogging to where I knew the back door to be located. I followed him of course and as soon as we got outside I realized it too.

Violet locked her door so we couldn't notice her leaving through the window, at least not right away. I thought giving her some space would be best but now it's dark and who knows where she is.

"Come on. We have to look for her. Who knows where the fuck she went." Vinny said, and I could hear the worry in his voice.
We just left without telling Ricky, he didn't care enough to tell Violet about Jane before he kissed her, so why should we tell him that she left? I'll let him find out on his own.
Did I feel bad? A little. But whatever.

Vinny followed me to my car and we began driving around the neighbourhood, trying to see Violet but it was very difficult as we knew she'd be dressed in all black, head-to-toe.

Violets POV

I started walking and just carried my skateboard but as I turned the corner I saw headlights from a familiar car. I quickly hid against a tree, probably blending right in. Good. I didn't want them to find me. I wasn't sure why. I just didn't want them to.

Right when I thought it was okay to come out and started walking again, a car pulled up in front of me and I stopped in my tracks. Shit.

Vinny got out of the passenger side and ran up to me, wrapping me in a hug within seconds.
"Why did you leave?" He asked me as Chris walked up, "Ricky kissed me, and didn't bother to mention he had a girlfriend. Now I not only am mad at him for me but for her too." I sighed

"It's fine though, honestly I'm probably just going to head over to Ronnie's." I said softly before hugging Vinny again and then Chris.

"You know you don't have to go, right?" He asked me, I nodded. I did know that, but I didn't trust myself around any of them right now. Especially not Ricky.

Chris nodded, and then looked at the top of my head, "Is that?" "Yes. It's his. I know he likes to wear it on tour especially. So." I said before turning around and heading in the direction of Ronnie's, making it there in under 10 minutes as it was my original destination anyways.

Three knocks later and the door swung open, revealing the one and only Ronnie Radke.

"He kissed you?" He asked with the knowing tone
"He kissed me!" I threw my hands up as I walked in behind him, "and, get this. The guys not even single"

"I say tell her what happened. If he wants to make you upset we can make him upset," Ronnie suggested causing me to shrug
"Ah I could, just isn't my thing. I don't like being that kind of person"

"That's fair. I can tell you're still a bit bothered by it though, so why don't I take your mind off things for a bit huh?" He said as his eyes began looking dark and he pushed me towards a wall,

"Well I don't see why not," I said before he smashed his lips onto mine

I know what you're thinking, but Ronnie and I are nothing more than friends with very occasional benefits, and had things gone smoothly with Ricky I wouldn't even be here.

Chris's POV

I sighed as we sat down on the couch, pizza in hand as I did not intend on doing anything nice for Ricky. He can make his own food.

A few moments after my first slice was gone Ricky came down from his room and sat down on the couch. "Jane is coming over soon," he said quietly.

"You'd better hope Violet doesn't come home while she's here. Ronnie will most likely be with her, just a fair warning." I said and took another bite of pizza.

"What? She's with him again?" Rick spat out
"Why do you even care?" I asked but he just shook his head and walked upstairs to his room.

"Has anybody seen my fucking hat?" He yelled as Vinny and I just sat there giggling quietly.

I Stole Ricky Horrors BeanieWhere stories live. Discover now