Chapter 3

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Violets POV

I laid there beside Ronnie after we woke up and for once I felt happy, but also confused. I looked over at him and all the memories we've had as friends and as giving me conflicting feelings. I've always felt them here and there but I knew I could never act on them. He wouldn't feel the same and it's too confusing for me to properly understand.

He leaned down and pressed a kiss on my lips, staring into my eyes with a look I couldn't quite figure out.

"When do you want to go back home? I'll come with you," he offered and I nodded.

"Can I just shower quick? Then we will go?" I asked and he smiled and kissed my forehead, nodding before he got up and turned the shower on for me. How sweet.


After my shower I got dressed in my black skinny jeans and a black hoodie before slipping on socks and my vans and following Ronnie out to the car, grabbing my skateboard before locking the door for him.

We got in and began driving over to my house, I was nervous to say the least.
Once we arrived I got out and within a minute Ronnie was by my side and grabbed my hand.
"Let's make him jealous too," he shrugged with a smile

We headed into the house and I said hi to Chris and Ryan as they were talking by the stairs and eventually we got to the living room and there was Ricky, with who I could only assume to be Jane on his lap.
Oh well, I led Ronnie right past them and upstairs into my room, once again locking the door behind me.

We heard footsteps coming up the stairs but once whoever it was realized the door was locked they must've left because it was silent after that.

We stayed in the room for probably 6 hours. Mainly looking through the one window to my neighbours house, one window faced our backyard and one faced the neighbours house. It was interesting at times to say the least.

After a while however, Ronnie did have to leave, so I gave him a hug and he kissed me before he went on his way. "I'll text you," I nodded and rolled over as he shut the door.

I pulled out my phone and looked for someone to text to talk to about this, but there was no one. No one that would care anyways.

I went downstairs and gave the boys all a hug as they were leaving for tour now, "Text me you guys, at any time. I'll miss you but I want you all to have fun!" I said and smiled at them

"Thank you Vi, you have a good time too okay? Text us whenever as well." Chris said and smiled down at me before they all turned around and filed through the front door one by one until the door shut and I was alone in our big house.

I sighed but immediately turned the TV on and played some music on YouTube so that I would at least have some background noise.

Suddenly my phone started ringing so I picked it up and looked at it; it read Radke.
I smiled and answered the phone, "Why hello there Ronnie," I said into the phone
"Hi baby girl. I heard the boys left for tour and thought you might've been lonely, correct me if I'm wrong. But I wanted to invite you over to the house for a bit, it's just me and the boys from INK right now but Andy might come over later, you guys can argue for a bit it'll be fun," he offered and I laughed at his one breath explanation before I nodded and spoke.

"Well sure, I'll come over right away, need me to bring anything?" I asked

"Nah, well maybe a pizza if you want, we already got the beer," I giggled
"Sounds good, Radke. I'll be there soon,"

"Okay sexy, see you then. Oh and I know we aren't dating, but try not to fall in love with Spencer. He's a good buddy but he says and does some shit that occasionally lays on the line between psycho and normal. Just be careful Violet," he said before he hung up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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