2. Neighbors

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Y/n pov:

Your alarm clock goes off at 8 AM and you get up still feeling groggy. You barely had any sleep due to the fact that you were up fantasizing about your chemistry prince charming. You put on your workout set and go for a run. It is a beautiful Saturday morning and you planned on enjoying it. Running around the dorms wasn't really your preferred view, but nevertheless, you enjoyed the wind blowing against your face as you ran the stress out of your body.

You came home and ate avocado toast while working on a thesis you were writing. Your dream was to work in Forensics. Not only was it an invigorating field but it practically was centered around chemistry. After working out you settled in the shower to relax your nerves. You step out after soaking for 30 minutes and wrap a towel around yourself opening the window to your room. You notice that your neighbors window is open... wait. Have you even met your neighbor? As you wonder this, as if on cue, a figure walks across the room and your mouth drops open. You couldn't believe it.

Armin's pov:

Saturday mornings are for relaxation and coffee. I always make time to read a good book before I go and spend my weekend with Mikasa and Eren. As I walk across my room gathering my things, I hear a familiar voice from outside my window. "Arrrrrrmmiiiiinnnnnnn." I look put my window and look out to see y/n right across from me.

"Y/n?!" I ask shocked. "Hey stalker." she says with a slight smirk on her face. She was leaning on her window with nothing on but a towel. My face got heated. Her hair was dripping wet. She probably just stepped out of the shower. The way the towel hugged her curves, God. Damn. "Who would've thought my neighbor was THE Armin Arlert." She said teasing me. "Oh stop it." I reply back recomposing myself and leaning on my window to decrease the distance. "So what are you up to today, sunshine?" I ask teasing back. She hesitates before answering

"I actually just finished working on a thesis I'm writing-" "THESIS?" you exclaimed. You loved research. Reading about new discoveries was your favorite past time. "Haha yeah" she says getting nervous. "What is it about, if you don't mind me asking?" I asked, letting curiosity get the best of me. She paused, and looked behind her before looking back to me and saying "Why don't you come over and maybe I can show you Arlert." Shutting her window leaving me baffled. Did she just... invite me over? Adrenaline rushed through my veins.

I put on sage green pants, and tucked in a solid black button down shirt. I wanted to look good, but not over do it. I grabbed my glasses and my satchel, sprayed on some comforting cologne and made my way to y/n's dorm.

Y/n pov:

"Did he just call me sunshine?" You were embarrassed, but mostly excited. You rushed to get ready. Simple, but sophisticated. You wore a black turtle neck and layered a dark grey shirt on top. You wore black jeans and rolled up the bottoms adding silver accessories, layering necklaces on top of the turtle neck. You added a few rings. and sprayed your favorite perfume. Versace. Elegant and not too strong.

Right when you finished you heard a knock at the door. You mentally prepared yourself and opened it. You were mesmerized. Does he look good in everything?? "Soo, can I come in?"  Armin questioned, chuckling "Oh. Yeah. Haha sorry." You said. You moved aside letting him in. "You wear glasses?" You asked, shocked but not at all disappointed. "Yeah," he replied shyly, "do they look weird?" "NOT AT ALL. You look handsome." You both went silent. You could not believe what just left your mouth. Your face started to heat up, "Anyways," you said clearing your throat, "follow me Mr. Arlert."

You grabbed his hand and led him to your room. He sat on your bed and you took a seat at your desk. The room was silent, you struggled trying to start the conversation. "Sorry. I am just so nervous," you admitted, "I've never really shown this to anyone." Armin looked into your eyes giving you a gentle and reassuring look. "Y/n don't feel pressured if you aren't comfortable. I want to read this only if you are okay with it." You paused and looked at him. Armin was so considerate. A genuine sweetheart. You took a deep breath, grabbed your computer and sat next to him on your bed. "Okay, be as honest as possible." You said before handing him your laptop.

Seconds, what felt like minutes and what felt like hours passed. The silence was killing you. Armin had a serious expression while reading your work. He was quiet. He was focused. Although you were nervous, you were intrigued. He was really analyzing your hard research, something most people would have just skipped over. You were touched. Armin really cares. You loved that.

He suddenly shuts your computer and you flinch. He takes his glasses off and looks at you, "Y/n...." "Yeah I know it needs a little more work an-," Armin grabs your hands, "You are BRILLIANT." Your heart rate picks up. "The way you weave your ideas together is amazing, your findings are nothing like I have ever seen, the way that you look at the world is so beautiful. I have never read anything like this." Wow. No one has ever said this to you before. Something stirred inside of you, you got butterflies. What is this feeling?

Armin's pov:

Y/n face turns red. I let go of her hands making sure to maintain strong eye contact. This girl is beautiful, she's funny, she's smart. Intelligent. And that is SO attractive. I have never met anyone like y/n in my 20 years of living. She is special. She deserves the world and more. And I was determined on letting her know that. Before y/n could say something in response there was a knock at her door. "Let me go get that." she replied before rushing out.

I want to make her mine, and I will do anything to have her.


hi luvers! hope yall are enjoying the story. should i make my stories longer than 1000 words or is this length good? lmk ;)

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