Part 1

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Batmans pov

Wayne Log date 7-1-1-2 The jewellery store was robbed, I've have lost my mission to stop and capture the mysterious villain they call the Cat-woman and that joke of a clown Joker.

Earlier that night...



Officer Dutch stand down-commissioner

*Commissioner Gordon aproaches*

Sorry Batman he's new here ,anyway like he was saying your mission to prepare for a stakeout at the royal jewel bank. -Commissioner Gordon

"We have information that the Joker and his goons will inter trait the facility which also holds some deadly weapons where we store because of the building state of the art security system.We believe your the only one that can help us Batman ,of course if thing get out of hand my team and I will be just around the corner while the rest are around the city helping the people in these desperate times after the bomb attacks


entering without a sound you've made you way pass security "the pearls should be on east side of the building right?"Slipping though the laser beams you make it "huh easier then I thought"

It's pitch back  though the dark to notice the place was totally booby trapped
You packed your bag with expensive jewellery but could feel eye on you

Hello kitty ~🃏

"Haven't seen you in a while"

"Hey Joker didn't know the circus was coming in town today"

"Well you know need to grab some stuff before I start redecorate the city,what about you?"

"Trying to leave this hell of a place but there's something about it that wouldn't let me"


A deep voice from corner spoke but was soon revealed to be Batman

"Well at least I know what it is now~"


The goons all attack at once to defeat Batman

You exit the scene and make your way to the roof seems like the Joker had the same idea and beat you there.

A Joker's helicopter hovered towards you two pulling down a ladder he grabbed on

"It's not to late to join me kitty you and I can watch this city crumble to our feet,you can be my partner in crime my second in command"

"Second?Please a little advance darling don't play games with a girl who can play better plus I don't think the whole clown look will go well with me,black suits me best"

"Very well"he laughs the copper flys away

"Black cat "

"Oh hi batsie took you long enough but it seem my visiting invitation has officially run out"

You say walking backwards to the edge


You drop your smoke bomb before jumping off, zip lining down the 20 story building then rode away on your motorcycle

Batsman's pov

"Damit those goons slowed me down"

"Batman what happened"-commissioner

"Backup was to slow and by the time I came up they were gone"


"Blackcat was here too my idea is that her and the joker are working together"

"On what?"

Joker is planning another one of his circus act in Gotham the explosives and guns are gone some of the jewellery you need to double the officers patrolling and double the security"

"What about you"

"I..I have something important things to attend to"-you zipping down the building riding off in the bat mobile

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