Part 2

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"How pretty I've stolen quiet a bag of  beauties haven't I right Isis (your cat) and later I'll rob some rich snobs at Wayne Manor ball"

Meow-purred the cat

"Oh your hungry I nearly forgot ,I brought home some fancy caviar for you my little panther cube."

At Wayne Manor...

Wayne's log date 7-1-2-2 the joker had stolen a bunch of highly dangerous weapons I told the police but I need to know what he's going to do with it,my first witness is the other wanted criminal Black cat they both share a questionable relationship and i over heard them talking about changing the city al..

Master Wayne?-Alfred

"Oh master Wayne I must notify you the guest have arrived now"

Very well, I'll be right down-Bruce

It was a black and gold only masquerade ball only ,you wore a black and white tuxedo accessorised by your Cosmograph Daytona Rolex watch and gold mask

Greeted by the cities finest lawyers,business man and bachelorettes.You spoke to reporters and signed papers for fans you caught the eye of them the richest man In Gotham they say.

In the ballroom you stood drinking cocktails despite joining with the many of fine women who asked you to dance.Then another one came to ask you she wore a embellished black satin gown.

"Hey what do you say me and you hit the dance floor?"

She seemed different to the other girls you agree to dance proceed a waltz in the ballroom with the mysterious woman

"So what brings you here"~Bruce

"You know business"


"Yeah to meet Gotham very successful playboy I heard some about you and had to come for myself "

You do a soft chuckle

"So you from around here"

"Something like that..I'm from the city near East seaboard"

"Oh isn't that a rough area I can't imagine what a pretty lady like you living there is like"

you could tell you offend her and try give her a smile but she's ignores it looking annoyed so you choose to break the tension"

"It's a good think that Batman fellow is there to protect you"

" I guess it is Gotham has our own superhero you wear their underwear on the outside"-she laughs you laugh too even tho feeling highly offend but I cleared the air

"May I add and say out off all the girls you look most exquisite tonight"

"Oh really why thank you"

"Let me guess Versace and a 1965 pearl necklace only from Chisholm finest collection"

"I love a man who know his stuff"

"Thank you,in fact my mother had pearls just like those"

"Really,you must let me see them"

The dance was shorty interrupted

Sorry to but in do you mind if I.-Random Woman

"Sure he's all yours"

*She walks away*


"SO do you ever think about you know getting married or something?"The woman interrupted

"Oh uh maybe"

"My name Penny and by the way I'm single"


After the torture of dancing with her you go to the balcony where no one could find you.The night was quiet after 3 days Gordon and his men must of finished cleaning the city

"Now what is the Gotham's favourite billionaire play-boy doing all alone up here at his own party"

It was the mysterious woman you danced with

"And what do I owe the pleasure of meet someone delightful as you again".

"Your a sweet talking Mr Wayne but I should warn you of me so am I"

She warps her arms around you the blazing sound of the music from inside sounded subtle on the other side of the glass.You both danced ,underneath the glowing stars and cooled by the evening breeze

"Shush,you ask me of my name but are you more curious on the information about the one they call Joker"

"What do you know"

"You know nothing is done by free baby"

She lines your lips with her fingers


She kisses me then goes to the ledge behind us

"First he plans to "fix" the plumbing in the city"

"Fix the plumbing?.."

You turned around but the time you did she was gone and so was your watch

Master Wayne,Harvey Dent has arrived and I think it's time for you to prepare you speech-Alfred

"I don't think i can make it"

"You can't protect the city forever your only one man who knows when the next time you fall down you could get back up again"

"Please send the people my regards"


"As you wish sir"

The streets might be peace full but who knows the shadows larking in every alley way

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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