why can't i accept when people don't know the answer
i always feel the need to figure out the meaning of everything
because what i don't know, scares the shit out of me
i don't want to be left in the dark, the unknown
i want to know everything so ill be prepared for what to come
but what the hell do i do when the answers "i don't know"
i research for hours, trying to find something that could lead me to the answer
but some things truly don't have an answer.
if i asked you what the meaning of life was, you'd give me your answer
you'd say "42" as a joke or whatever you believe
but we don't actually know why we're here
how did we come to be?
theories aren't easing my mind anymore
how did a rock hit us and somehow we showed up and created a global civilization
how did all the other universes come to be?
how many are there?
are we alone?
we'll never truly know.
Poetrywelcome to me making poems about how I feel. please don't steal these, I don't give anyone permission to use these poems.