You didn't expect Minoru and Hinata to be at your front door not even ten minutes after Oshiro dropped you off. Apparently, they were driving by and wanted to drop in, make sure you got home safe, check out your house. Plus...
"We come bearing gifts!" Hinata rejoiced, presenting you with a small orange cat plushie. It was a firm plush, more suited for display than cuddles, but absolutely adorable. It reminded you a lot of Hinata herself.
"I love it," you exclaimed, giving it a squeeze for show. Its head in particular was hard and weighty. Its big black beady eyes looked up at you so lovingly though.
"Now for your more practical presents. Here is your new phone. I hope you don't mind that it's refurbished. Also, here's a check for the window replacement." Minoru said before handing them to you.
You struggled not to make a face as you accepted the phone. "Refurbished," huh? More like bugged and cloned. It was fine, though. You'd use it until you had the money to buy your own and then return the suspicious phone to Minoru. The check, on the other hand...
"Woah, this is too much!" There were way too many zeros!
"Do you know how much money it takes to replace a house window?" She asked, hands on her hips as she looked at you expectantly. When you could only shake your head, she continued, "No, of course not. I'm telling you this is the max amount it'll cost. It's better to overestimate than underestimate. Keep the change. This is pocket money for me anyway."
How big are your pockets? You wondered, trying to envision them. They couldn't be that big. Pockets on girls' clothing were usually tiny, if they were included on the garment at all. You shook your head to clear it before you went down a rabbit hole and got lost in your own mind.
"Why don't you come up to my room?"
Your room was a mess. It wasn't before you arrived in this world. The mess was all you.
This room was a blank slate when you first woke up in it. Besides a few old pictures of family and friends, there wasn't much to make it Aina's.
So, you tried to make it your own over these last few weeks while brainstorming how to befriend these girls. You couldn't change the walls, floor, or furniture, but you could cover them with things that showed your personality and preferred aesthetic.
Part of you wondered what would happen to you when the main character reached an ending, be it good or bad, with one of the capture targets. Would you return to your original world? Would you live on in the game world? Or would that be Game Over, and your life here just ended?
You hoped you could return to real life and Aina could return to her life here. You wondered what happened to the poor girl. She didn't have any friends at school other than the ones you made for her, but her parents would definitely miss her if they knew she was gone.
Maybe she was living your life for you right now. Would you both wake up in a familiar but different room when this game finally ended? Would you both wander around and wonder who had been living your life when you weren't in it?
"Aina? Earth to Aina?" Minoru asked, snapping her fingers in front of your face. "Come back to us."
"Sorry!" You said awkwardly, scratching the back of your head. "I just wanted to apologize for the mess."
"It's fine. It's your mess and you're our friend, so it's our mess." Minoru proclaimed. Like a communist, you thought with a snicker. "I'm glad you're laughing now. You looked so sad a second ago."
"Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking is all."
"About what?" Hinata piped up, looking up from nosing through the papers littering your desk. Nothing personal or anything. Just homework and scraps of writing. You should get a journal. It might help you process everything that's happening in a healthy way. If anyone read it, they'd think you were insane, though. Better not to risk it.
"The future and stuff."
You watched as Hinata pointed to a picture frame propped up in the corner of your desk. "Who are they?" She asked, wearing a complicated expression.
You honestly had no idea. "Oh, them? Ummm... Old friends, I guess."
Hinata nodded before moving one of your textbooks a little too roughly. The desk jiggled and the framed photo fell off and into the trash bin nearby. You heard the glass break. "Oops!"
"It's okay. I'd been meaning to replace it for a while," you replied, waving off the broken picture frame. It wasn't like you had any emotional or sentimental attachment to it.
"The five of us should take a picture," Minoru suddenly suggested, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. "For the yearbook and for each of us to keep as we move on to university. You can replace it with that."
"Sounds like a plan." You waved her off, thinking her plan would likely never come to fruition. "Anyway, make yourselves comfortable and look for a good spot to put the plushie. I'll be right back after I pass this check along to my parents."
You left the room real quick to hand the check off to Aina's dad. You never expected to return to Hinata holding up a pair of your underwear by the waistband with two hands, like she was a shopper at the mall and contemplating trying them on. You blushed as you recognized the pair and realized they were dirty.
"These are cute!" Hinata said with twinkling eyes and the widest smile you'd ever seen on her face. Minoru nodded like this was completely normal.
Once your brain was finished malfunctioning, you snatched away the dirty underwear, balled them up, and threw them behind your headboard. You felt your face and ears heat up as blood rushed to them. You tried to play it cool, but you felt so awkward and embarrassed.
"Hey!" Hinata chirped before you started herding her towards the door.
"There's no need to be ashamed, Aina. Everyone wears underwear. It would be weirder if you didn't." Minoru commented, looking unbothered by your shouting before you hurried over to collect her as well. She went from reclining on your bed without a care in the world to being dragged by her hand to your bedroom door.
"Fine, fine, we're going. We're coming back tomorrow, though, so you should probably clean your room." She said, directing a confuzzled Hinata towards the exit. "Or don't and we can clean it for you... Which includes fishing those panties out from behind your bed."

Gal Pals || Yandere!Harem X F!Reader
HorrorAfter dying of a caffeine overdose, you find yourself transmigrated into the last game you played, a yandere otome game. Unfortunately, you're the tutorial girl. As soon as you're finished teaching the player how to play, you're killed off by the tr...