Larry Beignet Gets Sent to the Principal's Office

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 Larry looked at his digital watch as he bounced his right leg up and down while sitting down on a chair placed next to the door to the principal's office. "This is ridiculous," Larry mumbled to himself.

"What's ridiculous?" Asked a boy in a red hoodie who was two seats away from Larry.

"I got sent to the principal's office for giving my teacher a valid criticism about her teaching skills. It was constructive criticism! But she took offense to it for some reason and now I'm here." Larry said as his right leg kept bouncing up and down.

"Dang, that sucks."

"Thank you! It does suck! Finally someone gets it. What's your name by the way?"

"Charles," said the boy in the red hoodie, also known as Charles.

"Charles? That's kind of like an old man name, isn't it?" Larry asked as he made a face that was a mix of confusion and disgust.

"What do you mean?"

"Well that's like the name of a man who witnessed America change from the wild west to an industrialized society. It's not a name I would expect a middle schooler to have."

"My parents named me after my grandfather who died before I was born."

"Well there you go! That proves my point. You were named after an old man so my observation about 'Charles' being an old man name was correct."

The door to the principal's office suddenly opened. Larry looked to his side and saw Principal Moss. Principal Moss was a man who towered over every student and teacher on campus. His skin was white to the point where it reflected light. His bald head was shiny. His goatee was black.

"I'm ready to see you now, Beignet," Principal Moss said in a deep monotone voice. Larry picked up his backpack and looked back at the boy in the red hoodie,"See ya later, Charles."

Larry stepped into Principal Moss' office and noticed the little details. A water-ring on the wooden desk. A little flag from the college that Principal Moss went to. There was a Fushigi Ball on one of the shelves. Larry had a hard time picturing Principal Moss messing around with a Fushigi Ball. He had many questions regarding that Fushigi Ball like: "Did he take that from a student? If he did take it from a student, did he keep it because it was fun? If he bought it, did he watch the DVD that came with the ball that taught you all the tricks? How much time a day does he spend toying around with that Fushigi Ball?" Larry also noticed that Principal Moss didn't have any photos of his family in the office. Larry wondered if he even had a family. "I can't imagine anyone breeding with a grown man who still plays with a Fushigi Ball," Larry thought to himself.

"Larry Beignet, you mind telling me why you were sent to me today?" Principal Moss said as he took a seat at his desk.

"Miss Garza got offended when I gave her some constructive criticism about her teaching."

"What exactly did you tell Miss Garza?" Principal Moss asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"You know what? It was so minute that I don't even remember what I said. It was literally like the littlest thing."

"Well from what Miss Garza told me as she was crying over the phone, you said and I quote, 'See Miss Garza, this is why your husband left you,' when she told you to stop talking during her lesson." Larry raised his arms as if he was saying, "Are you kidding me?" to Principal Moss.

"That was taken out of context, alright. I made one little comment about the lesson to the kid next to me. I wasn't even having a conversation, I was just making an observation about what was being taught and Miss Garza decided to slander me by telling me to shut up in front of the whole class. It's those types of actions that would cause any reasonable man to leave their wife for a tennis instructor. I'm not the bad guy here, honestly. I was pretty much helping her out by letting her know what to avoid doing in her next relationship."

Larry Beignet Gets Sent to the Principal's OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now