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WITH A SIGH DELILAH leaned back in her chair, almost done with the stacks of paperwork in front of her. Niccolo had found productive ways to spend his time as well, by burning things in the garden. He had a strange sort of fire blazing in him, the kind which only hurt those he wanted it to. She had seen him burn himself with it, scorching his own skin away, many years ago, when he had lost control of his power in a vision. These days his visions were less intense, which Delilah was thankful for. Nothing big needed to happen, not when it would hurt Niccolo to see it years before. He couldn't stop them from coming true anyway, because fate didn't allow anyone's intervention in her plans.

"What if you changed the future by accident?" Delilah had asked once," simply because you knew it?"

"There's no way," Niccolo had replied with a resolute shake of his head," all the death I see, I can't prevent any of it. The higher the stakes, the higher the price. You can only pay for life with life."

She knew that principle all too well from her own line of work, the souls slipping like grains of sand through her hand. Even now, she could feel them pass and come to life, as if the air in her lungs was theirs to share. That's why she was just fine living a simple life, doing paperwork, spinning her souls and laughing with Helio and Nico. There was no need for anything complex, this, this sun-soaked house made out of windows and laughter was enough.

"Let's go out," Niccolo said, interrupting her thoughts.

She glanced up at him and then back at her pile of paperwork again, before deciding the first option sounded way more fun. Wasn't one of the perks of immortality having ages to finish up your work? Really, she had to take advantage of it more. Niccolo grinned as she walked over to him, the flowers he had been burning blooming vividly again with one wave of her hand.

"They were prettier ablaze," he commented.

"It looked ominous," Delilah disagreed.

Niccolo smiled as he made a portal with a snap of his fingers. "I like ominous things."

She stepped through the portal without any hesitation, because if she knew one thing for sure, it was that Niccolo would never hurt her. It was no wonder she, Niccolo and Helio had grown so close, the gap of love none of them had received growing up suddenly filling with warmth now. Delilah wondered how far in Vox Dei Helio had progressed by now, closing her eyes briefly to send him a good luck message only he would be able to see.

"Look! I've been wanting to come here for a while."

At the sound of Niccolo's voice she opened her eyes again, glancing around at the beach they were on. The sand was a creamy white, sunlight blushing the waves golden as the sky drowned in blue. All around them people were walking around in bathing suits and sunglasses, none of them staring at the strangers in elaborate costumes who had appeared out of nowhere. Delilah had always loved their invisibility magic.

"Why here?" she asked Niccolo, her friend already wandering off excitedly.

"I don't know," he replied," I caught a conversation once in my temple where they said a beach was a place of great fun. I - It doesn't matter, let's have fun."

At times like these he looked so innocent, his red hair not ablaze in this light, reminding her more of autumn-stained scarlet leaves laying down their head to rest on the earth. This was the Niccolo underneath all his walls, underneath the arrogant, uncaring facade he usually had. It was rare that she saw him like this, but she was glad that he was starting to trust her and Helio more and more.

"Let's look around then," she beamed at him, following along," now, do you want to get in the water or first look around the shops?"

"I don't think I would do well with water," he said, sparks flying off his fingers to illustrate his point," I'd evaporate this sea when my emotions start blazing."

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