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Delilah glanced over at her mother, who was in the driver's seat of the car. Roshan had decided to stay a day longer and her mother had insisted on driving her to school, to catch up together. She always caught it so quickly whenever Delilah's mind wandered, even now, when she hadn't even acted different from normal. For a moment Delilah hesitated - she hadn't told her mother about what had happened before so she wouldn't worry her, because she knew the thought of her little girl alone kept her up at night sometimes.

Still, her mother was the only one who knew and believed her about the fact that she could see ghosts. Though she couldn't see them herself Mateo always felt uncomfortable around her, but she didn't blame him. The first time she had told her mother about him had resulted in a huge fight, because her mother didn't want any ghosts hanging around her permanently. Ever since then he had avoided her, only coming downstairs or closeby whenever her mother was out of the house.

It was those exact reactions of hers which had kept Delilah from talking about the interaction she had had with the Reaper. If she hadn't cared at all about him she would've kept it to herself, but for some reason he kept lingering in her mind. Perhaps it was worry in some way, because he always did look so lonely. The thought saddened her.

"I've met an idol of mine," Delilah said.

Before she could say any more her mother interrupted her with a relieved sigh, placing a hand on her heart.

"Oh, it was just that?" she said, shaking her head," I almost got worried it was something supernatural again. Who was the idol, one of your favorite tarot readers or something?"

"No," Delilah said," the Grim Reaper."

They were on the highway, but that didn't stop her mother from steering immediately on the breakdown lane and braking. Delilah's head flew forwards at the sudden stop, her mother grabbing her shoulders and pushing her back with wide eyes.

"What?" she said, sounding like she was rambling more than anything," is that really true, Delilah? Has he tried taking you? He can't take my little girl away from me, he can't -"

"Mom?" Delilah frowned," what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" her mother exclaimed, shaking her," what do you think is wrong, Delilah? The Grim Reaper is made of death, why do you think he won't kill you as well? You're all I have left, I will not let anything happen to you."

"Mom," Delilah began, repeating it until her mother finally looked at her," Mom, I was kidding."

"What?" her mother said, her frightened gaze clearing up a bit.

"I was," Delilah said," if I met the Grim Reaper, you know I would be so excited Roshan and you would know immediately. I wouldn't be able to keep it to myself until now." She grabbed her mother's hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. "And I know, Mom, I know, I'll be more careful."

Her mother breathed out, a relieved sigh leaving her lips.

"You're right," she murmured," you would've told me." She let Delilah go, but the imprint of her hands was still colored red on her skin. "I'm sorry, Delilah, I may have overreacted. If you had truly met him I would have had no choice but to keep you at home, safe away from any supernatural things that can take you from me. You understand, right?"

"Yeah," Delilah said, hand absentmindedly grazing her shoulder," I understand."

Her mother changed the subject as she got on the highway again and Delilah replied like nothing had happened. Once they arrived at her dorms her mother pulled her into a hug so tight it felt like she would suffocate, but she still meant it when she told her mother she loved her too. After her father had walked out on them she knew she was the only thing holding her mother afloat. Sometimes love felt like drowning and you just had to learn to breathe underwater.

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