I. Discovery

48 7 6

"...on the brightside, I'm not addicted to cocaine."

"I don't think that being addicted to Swedish fish is any better though," Jamie said with a snort. I shoved at her back as we made our way down the steps and to our row.

My eyes danced around the huge tent we were under, staring at the center platform. There were clowns tripping and stumbling, making funny faces and naturally scaring children. I was thankful that we weren't going to be sitting anywhere near the front but instead halfway up. Seeing as this is my first circus, I'd rather not punch one of the carnies in the face.

"Row 21, 20, and finally row 19," Jamie counted out, turning and letting me go in first. "You're seat 8, I'm 7."

"But 7 is my lucky number," I pouted, coming to a halt and letting my shoulders drop.

"And 43 is mine, now go," she grinned sarcastically and gestured with a wide wave of her arm. "You're holding up people who don't care about seat numbers."

I slimmed my eyes at her then dramatically slid my feet across the concrete until I was hovering above seat 8. My body collapsed into the plastic chair and my arms crossed over my chest as I glared at Jamie. She rolled her eyes and tossed a piece of popcorn in my direction.

"You're such a child," she laughed.

"Says the one throwing popcorn," I mumbled. I didn't even want to come to this stupid show. If I wanted to see a circus I could sit at home and watch Cirque Du Soleil on Netflix under my comfy sheets. Sadly, the person who normally goes with Jamie got "sick" and bailed last minute. Next thing I know, Jamie is pounding on my dorm room door and flailing tickets in the air before dragging me 2 hours away to a circus.

Gotta love spontinuity.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the show will be starting it just a few moments," A voice boomed overhead. "Just as a reminder please keep your hands and feet inside of your ring, and we'll keep ours inside our ring. For the most part that is."

"How corny can you get," I said with a chuckle, sitting up straight. However, Jamie was grinning from ear to ear like an 8 year old who was at their first circus.

"Erin, you're going to love the acrobatics. They're basically the only reason I come to the show." Jamie bounced in her seat.

"I know," I spoke, nodding along, "you told me like a billion times on the way here."

She rolled her eyes at me and looked back down at the clowns, smiling as they handed out little toys and cotton candy. I thought that would be illegal. Aren't you supposed to not take candy from strangers? I guess carnivals don't count under that unwritten law.

Nearly half an hour later and the show had begun. There were slinky men and pretty girls riding elephants, clowns coming out of tiny cars, and mock fighting. Plus a man who put a sword down his throat, which totally freaked me out.

As an applause erupted across the tent a man holding a metal hula-hoop slid into the center of the sanded pit. He paused and glanced around with an arm spread upwards. When the crowd died down he stepped inside of the thin rounded bar and placed his body out like a star.

I felt indifferent as he rolled around, turning himself this way and that then stopping for a small applause. Just as I began to reach into my purse for my phone Jamie slapped at my leg repetitively while keeping her eyes trained forwards.

"Here it comes!" Jamie burst and in marched a small crowd of people dressed in bedazzled costumes that ranged in bright pastel colors.

"Please put your hands together for our high flying and ever so elegant acrobats!" The same loud voice said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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