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"Braun" I stack papers on my desk and look up. The secretary stands at my door. "You are aware you needed to leave in ten, yes?"

"I..?" I pause to recollect my thoughts. "I did?!"

She shakes her head and smiles. "Falco told me you would forget."

Right! Falco and I have a task tonight.

I gather my things and shut off my computer. "What time is it?"

She steps aside. "Falco is waiting in the car, Detective."

"Thank you!" I dash out the door and head outside into the rain. Falco sits in his car, waiting for me out front. I hop inside and brush the raindrops off my face.

"Gabi we were supposed to leave minutes ago." He complains as he pulls out of the parking lot.

I groan. "A few minutes won't hurt."

He glances over at me. "How's the case going?"

"The duo are a bit silent at the moment. They killed that security and left with stolen information. They must be planning something."

At the moment I've been trying to track down two partners who stole loads worth of documents on the Black Angel case.

I've gotten nowhere in the past few weeks. The only identification we have is that one is male and the other is female.

"Do you think they were close with her?"

Who could have been close to her?

A relative?

An associate?

She never really worked with anyone though..

"No one comes to mind but it could be possible." I turn to him. "What could they even do with those documents? It's dead case."

He shrugs. "Beats me. Maybe they're trying to be copycats? Y'know like study her moves and follow in her footsteps."

A copycat..?

I furrow my brows. "Why would they start now? After so many years, why copy her now?"

"I don't know? Maybe they were plotting back then." He suggests. We arrive at the casino.

That's a hell lot of time for plotting something...

Just before I step out he stops me. "Gabi, please don't over step. Just ask simple questions and don't cause a scene."

I scoff. "I don't cause scenes." I get out the car and walk up the steps to the entrance. Falco follows behind.

Once we get in, I stop a moment to take in the room before me. It's not too crowded yet not too full. I glide around the room making my way over to the bar. Falco soon appears next to me as he also orders a drink.

"You spot him?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the different game tables.

He leans in a bit to whisper in my ear. His voice sends a shivering thrill through my ear. "He's at Black Jack. Right next to the women in purple and the man with glasses."

I dart my eyes over to the Black Jack table and spot the area he explained the man was in. I cock a brow. "Are you sure that's him? He looks a little... too gentle to be involved in this." The man laughs with the others at the table. His smile seems so comforting and warm.

"That's him. I confirmed it at the office." Falco grabs the drinks from the bartender and hands me mine. "Go on. Don't be too direct." He pushes me away.
I scowl and turn around but he's already gone.

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