Chapter 1: The Insolent Act

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The gas girls. A formidable group of three girls who -you guessed it- high jack cars at gas stations.

Me Piper. A lone travelling gypsy girl fresh gotten my metric.

A deadly combo if you ask me.

Speaking of the devil. I was spread out on the pavement, cheek, knuckles, fingertips, knees creased with my own blood.

Usually the girls merely gassed the driver, stole the keys and rode off. But it was just my luck that I was an arrogant INTJ female.

I had not been their target originally, someone else had been: A woman and her teenage son -the boy merely a year younger than myself.

Seeing as no one could get hurt if I tried something -except maybe me- I threw a mug at the back of the closest genetic triplets brunette head.

I adjoined my presence with a stance that made me visible to both the camera and the girls.

The brunette I had hit touched the back of her head stunned to find light blood on her fingers. Her hair would stop the bleeding of the skin so no harm was really done. Al though my usual strategy was to stun and shock.

Swivelling around on her booted heal she glared at me, opening her threatening mouth and nudging the unarmed gun to my shoulder.

Coolly I slung the taser tab from my fingers, as one would water droplets at someone.

The gun dropped from her hand as she froze a moment before dropping down to her knees and then toppling over backwards onto her side.

After the initial shock the tranquilizer activated in her blood effectively knocking her out for the next few hours.

The other two girls looking almost identical thanks to some work they had done to make all three seem anonymously alike the twin bank robbers of 2014's major mastermind heists.

"You. . ." she was just beginning to speak with a razed back barrel to my neck ready to aim a crippling blow out of anger towards my insolence when I kneed her; catching her cheek with my elbow before

fracturing her jaw with my well aimed fist.

My attack left her crouched over the side of my knee, it had all taken place within three seconds.

Tossing her off my knee she laid on the ground groaning and holding her jaw, stomach and chin.

I approached the last sister with my usual confidence when all of a sudden I was struck from behind with the back of a gun barrel. I gasped turning around swiftly, my knees bent and ready to slam a blow at the stomach of my other attacker when I hit thin air. I was lifted off my feet and slammed against the gas pillar. No doubt I had caused enough fuss to have the honer of meeting a few signature blows from their accomplice. Dredger Longman.

Clutching my stomach I vomited blood. He had not spared me my size, sex, or my inability to see straight in that moment as he picked me up, again making my lungs gasp for air as I was pressed against the pillar. His hands at my shoulders and his knee up between my legs.

If I did anything he would simply have to knee my Pubis to have me yipping in pain.

I could just just make out the other girl getting up and glaring at me. Limping towards us just as the one I had not gotten to yet was coming towards me with her gun slung over her shoulder.

I knew it unarmed but the back of the barrels or a bullet swallowed was enough to make my stomach tremble and churn.

The girl was still grasping her stomach and limping half erect as the pain from movement on her neck and jaw coursed through her.

A half heartedly blow to my head from the back of the healthy ones barrel was enough to make me see stars.

"Look at me you pest."

In my dazed state I slaughtered a glance at her. Only to groan at the light in my eyes from her flashlight.

There was florescent lights shining down on us but she used the flash light to intimidate me.

I felt Dredger's thumb and forefinger meet through my cheeks separating my lower to jaw. I was locked in and forced to look at her.

Though I saw nothing that I could identify with except the absence of cars in the lot which came to great relief that only I was in danger of being beaten to a pulp.

"Have you any gold on you?"

I shook my head.

"Search her."

I was dropped down to the ground so suddenly that I was not prepared for impact.

I was searched and stripped of my jacket, rolled onto my back and dragged towards the bathrooms.

My jeans torn at the knees and my palms ragged. My body was heating up even though it was freezing outside. I tried to lift myself up. My consciousness coming to me in parts as I came to my knees before getting a blow to my lower back from the last fully standing girl before she turned and flitted into their car leaving mine since the camera had seen my plate.

I was laying flattened on the pavement as I heard sirens. Too weak to move or make a sound.

It was state police I noted from the lights on the wall. They would not bother to look here.

I was right of course since seconds after hearing the sirens and car doors slamming I heard them boot into the security room and snack shop.

But to my astonishment a shadow fell over me. I was hauled up and cradled.

The next thing I knew I was being loaded into the back seat of an investigator's car.

I only heard parts of the conversation that followed after that between the cops and the investigator.

"The nearest hospital is in the next state..." The investigate would rationalize with the cop.

"But she is badly hurt...." The cop would wager towards me.

"Not that badly...I am a military doctor and she will be fine just as long as I tent to her injuries quick enough."

After that all I saw was intruding lights and blurred figures.

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